Page 42 of Unholy Night
I chuckle. “Quite right, quite right.” Another snap and the contract disappears. “How about this?” I say. “I will cover the extra gifts, if you do me two favors?”
Mandy’s eyes widen. “What favors?”
“Clever girl,” I say with a smile and ruffle her hair. “Just like your mother. Always ask for the fine print.”
She giggles at the compliment.
“Favor one: be extra helpful with chores at home.”
She nods solemnly. “I promise. I’ll even clean my closet out.” She wrinkles her nose in disgust and Lyla laughs.
“Favor two: never stop believing in magic.”
I hear Lyla draw in her breath, and Mandy frowns, chewing on her lower lip. “I could never stop believing. Not now that I know.” Her voice is soft, but determined.
Lyla steps forward and wraps her arms around her daughter, but she looks over to me. “We will never stop believing. You’ve made sure of that.”
I don’t trust myself to speak, so as Gurch fills the stockings, I open a portal of fire and stick my arm through it, pulling out two more gifts, wrapped in black shiny paper with a silver bow.
Mytrademark colors. Let them wonder over this surprise.
I place them under the tree and then I pull Mandy and Lyla toward me and use my black smoke to transport us back to the sleigh.
The next stop… is home.
Their home.
I let myself take the scenic route, unwilling to rush our eventual goodbyes, but I can’t avoid it forever.
We finally arrive at their apartment, and I magic us all into the living room.
Mandy is about to fall asleep on her feet, so I say goodbye to her first. I pick her up and she smiles sleepily at me. “I can’t wait to see you again, Mr. Lucifer.” She kisses my cheek, then promptly falls asleep on my chest, giving me no chance to tell her I won’t be seeing her again.
It’s for her own good.
Isn’t it?
But she won’t understand that. How can she when even I can’t?
Lyla comes over and is about to take her from me, but I shake my head and carry the child to the couch, laying her down while Lyla grabs a thick blanket. Then I open a portal to the sleigh and reach in, bringing back with me Rudolph. He gets very excited when he sees Mandy, but I quiet him before laying him next to her.
With a little magic I alter his appearance. I take a step back and study my handiwork. He still looks off--but Mandy will love it.
Lyla frowns, but I shrug. “You’ll thank me for this one day. And I promise you won’t have to worry about anything.”
We stand facing each other for an awkward moment. I’ve never been tongue-tied before and it’s not a pleasant experience.
“So, do you have any more questions?” I ask, stalling our final goodbyes.
She shakes her head. “I don’t think so. I mean, I’ll probably think of a million the minute you leave but… but I can’t think right now.”
I take a step toward her, breathing in the sadness and loss I can already smell on her. It mirrors my own emotions. I want to keep her, to keep them, so much I feel as if I’m ripping myself in two.
“Thank you,” I say. “For your help. For allowing me to meet your beautiful little girl. For bringing magic back to my life as well.”
Before she can respond, I lean in to taste her one more time, to claim her lips before I disappear forever.