Page 47 of Texas Kissing
I’d stopped on the way to pick up a box of pastries from the bakery. I figured munching our way through those would give me time to talk with him—there was some stuff we had to cover, before we got to the sex.
I pushed open the door of the stables, glad to step out of the sweltering air and into the shade. My eyes took a while to adjust to the gloom, but I could see Bull coiling ropes. He was wearing a t-shirt, for once, but the thin fabric didn’t do much to hide his muscles. He was bending slightly and his hard ass was outlinedthrough his jeans. “Hi,” I said nervously.
He turned and his gaze raked over me. I’d forgotten the raw, primitive effect his eyes had on me. I swore I could feel them sweeping down over the scarlet shirt, tied to show off a little cleavage and leaving my stomach bare. It felt weird, walking around with my navel on display, but I had to admit it was a hell of a lot cooler.
So was the skirt. His gaze skimmed down my thighs, sliding around to the sides and I stiffened as I felt invisible hands stroke down the denim and hit bare skin. It wasn’t indecently short, by any means, but compared to the jeans I normally wore, I might as well have been in a bikini.
“Well,hello,”he told me, already starting to walk towards me. The words blazed through my mind. It wasn’t what he said, it was the hunger in his voice. He might as well have said, “Just stand there—I’m going to fuck you.”
“I brought pastries,” I told him, holding the box up defensively in front of me. I was desperate to maintain control of the situation.
“First a latte. Now pastries.” He was close enough now to touch. “You really don’t get me at all, do you?”
He finally stopped, so close that the front of his shirt brushed one side of the bakery box and my naked stomach brushed the other.
“Now wait,” I said quickly.
He put a single huge finger under the bakery box and lifted. The box tilted, turning vertical, and he stepped closer.
“Wait,” I said again. But I didn’t move. His size, his hard bulk...they did something to me. Suddenly, I was gazing up into those fierce blue eyes and I couldn’tmove at all. “Wait,” I croaked again.
The box went vertical, the pastries sliding down to the bottom. And then he was leaning forward, bringing his lips down to mine.
I didn’t move my feet, but I dodged my head to one side. “Wait,” I said weakly.
He followed me. I dodged to the other side. “Just a minute,” I said.
He gave me alook.One that said I better damn well keep still. And I did. As he moved in again, I clutched the box to my chest and said, “Bull, I—”
His mouth met mine and it felt so good I actually groaned. His tongue explored my lips, tasting me, and he drew back just a little, testing to see if I’d follow.
I lifted up onto my tiptoes to avoid breaking contact. My mind was suddenly adrift, all moorings severed. I closed my eyes as my tongue found his, darting and twisting. My hands crushed the edges of the cardboard bakery box, and then he was pressing up against me, his hands in my hair, and the box was crushed between us.
I gasped in a little moan of air. The kiss moved and changed, tracking across my lips and down my jaw. His hands were stroking through the hair behind my temples, strong and firm and so damn big. His leg pushed against mine, the denim of his jeans rough against my bare legs, and I pressed hard against him, opening my legs instinctively, hooking one leg around his. I felt the hot throb of his cock against my thigh and a tremor ran through me.
The box slipped from between us and fell to the floor, sending pastries cartwheeling across the hay. Bull’s body slammed against mine, mashing my breasts against his chest. One big hand slapped downon my ass, his fingers spread onto both cheeks, and held me against him. “There,” he growled, lifting his lips for a second. “Now I can finally get you to hold still for a second.”
He squeezed my ass and I moaned. A finger pressed the fabric of my skirt between my cheeks, probing, and I gasped, only to have my gasp swallowed up by his kiss. His kisses were such a perfect blend of hard and soft, power and heat.
I used both arms to push myself back from him. “Wait!”I panted. “I need to talk to you.”
He gave me a look but then crossed his arms. “You got thirty seconds,” he told me.
She staredat me in horror, as if thirtyhourswouldn’t have been enough to explain everything she wanted to explain. But I knew I wasn’t going to last any longer than a half-minute before I grabbed her again.Damn,she looked good. Something was different, aside from the clothes. She’d done her make-up, or her hair, or her nails or any of those other hundred things women do that are too subtle for guys to notice straight off, but that just make them ooze femininity. Standing there in that barn, she looked like the perfect Texas cowgirl, all tied shirt and denim skirt, but her pale skin and black hair made her exquisitely exotic—voluptuous and sexy, yet vulnerable at the same time.
My eyes were locked onto her...but the weird thing was, I wasn’t staring at her boobs, the way I usually would with a girl. It was her eyes I couldn’t stop looking at, those gorgeous, liquid brown eyes. And her lips. I could still feel them against mine and, every time I glanced down at their softness, my handsbunched with the need to grab the knot of her shirt and tug her against me.
“Look,”she said, still panting. ”I need to set some limits.”
I grinned. “Like a safeword?”
Her eyes bulged and her cheeks flared red. “What?! No!Not like a safeword!” But I saw her give a little twist of her hips, as if the idea touched a nerve, deep inside.Well, now. Ain’t that a thing?I filed that little nugget away.
“I mean,” she said, “I have some secrets. I don’t like to talk about my past. If this is going to work, you’ll have to respect that.”