Page 69 of Texas Kissing
She checked over her shoulder again, panting and giggling...and something else. That wild-eyed, heady arousal I’d seen when I’d tied her up. The thrill of being chased. Of beingtaken.
She ran. I ran faster.
I thundered across the field like my namesake, eating up the ground in long strides. Every time she glanced back to see where I was, she lost a little more of her lead. And panted a little harder.
I caught her just at the base of one of the hills, where the ground started to rise. Grabbing her wrist, I jerked her back and threw her to the ground, keeping hold of her as she fell so that she didn’t hurt herself. She landed with awhumpon the soft grass, surrounded by wildflowers. She looked like some goddess of nature, naked and pure.
Her legs were a little way apart. I dropped to my knees, opening them farther. She’d given up on the game of resistance, now. She was too turned on, staring up at me with half-closed eyes, her chest heaving.
My cock had softened—an icy dip will do that to you. Now, it rose and stiffened and I enjoyed the sight of her eyes locking onto it hungrily.
“Now,” I said. “I’m going to fuck you.”
I swallowedand looked up at him. More specifically, I looked up at his cock, angry and erect, throbbing above me in a way that sent dark tremors through me.
If what had happened before the swim had been spiritual and beautiful, what had happened afterward had been base and the best possible way. What better feeling than to be chased, naked, by a powerful man who wants to throw you down and—God!It was the knowledge that he’d never hurt me, that he’d stop as soon as I said the word, that made it fun. He was so big, as he climbed down on top of me, so hugely powerful. Those broad shoulders, the heavy swell of his pecs. Intimidating, but in a good way. In amakes-you-feel-weak-and-helplessway.
His knees pushed mine apart. I bent them, so that the soles of my feet were flat on the ground, and opened myself to him. Bull planted his hands on my thighs and the feel of his touch there made me groan. Then he was moving forward, positioning himself. Ifelt the kiss of his naked cock against my lips, damp from the lake on the outside and slickly wet inside.
Both of us were still dripping. The sun was warm on our skin, but it was the heat inside that kept me from shivering. I felt charged up and ready in a way I’d never been before. Each time, with Bull, it had been about losing control, about my feelings for him taking over. For the first time, there were no arguments in my head. Even my fears about our future had retreated. Maybe it was because we were away from town or maybe it was something to do with my new-found body confidence but everything wasright. Thisfelt right, me and Bull together, with green grass and water. It reminded me of something….
And then all conscious thought ceased because he was driving slowly up into me, the blunt head of him spreading me, sliding on my wetness, slipping inside—
I groaned as he entered me, his size making me stretch in that delicious, bite-your-lip-it-feels-so-good way. He surged up inside me, groaning himself as he felt my tightness. I saw his toes dig into the soft ground as he pushed on, determined to fill me completely in one, long thrust. And at last he did, my back arching and my eyes going wide as his balls kissed up against my ass, his muscled thighs pressing my own legs wide.
He stayed there for a moment, not moving, and I reached up and gripped his shoulders, staring at him wordlessly. Something was happening, something I didn’t fully understand. The feel of him there, so big and naked.This,the two of us outdoors under a massive sky with just a couple of horses tethered and not a modern trapping in sight. It could have been ahundred years ago, two hundred—
And then I realized what it reminded me of: my dream. A simple life in the old west.
With my husband.
Bull moved his hands up to my breasts and deftly stroked them, my skin wet under his fingers, my nipples achingly hard. Then he began to move, sliding from me and then thrusting into me again, filling me so fast and hard that my pleasure escaped as a high little cry.
He pushed his hands under my ass and lifted me a little, presenting me to him more fully. We both groaned as the angle changed. His hips rose and fell, his muscled ass powering him again and again into my wetness and heat.
My hands searched across his back, tracing every muscle, my fingertips digging in. I clutched him to me, wanting him harder, deeper,more.I started to toss my head against the grass, wet strands of hair sticking to my forehead. “God,”I moaned, relishing the hardness of his body, the sheer size of him. “God!”
His lips drew back from his teeth—almost a snarl. I remembered what he’d said, then—that he’d fuck me harder than I’d ever been fucked before, and the thought made the heat whirlpool down to my groin. His pace picked up again, his body brutally strong between my legs, his groin pounding mine. Every thrust sent bolts of silver pleasure rippling through my entire body.
I ran my hands down his body, just managing to reach his ass. So smooth, so hard, flexing and plunging. He growled as I fondled it. I could tell from the tension in his arms and shoulders that he was getting close, holding himself back until he was sureI’d come first.
I suddenly gripped his arm. The orgasm was blasting up towards my brain now, seconds away. We were in the old west and I wasn’t some lonely girl eking out a life making fake passports, I was a normal, happy woman and I’d found my man.
I wrapped my legs around Bull, my heels kicking at his ass—
His cock was so, so deep inside me, throbbing and hot and—
I lifted my head off the ground, eyes still squeezed shut. My whole upper body came up, my breasts pillowing against his chest. “H—Husband!” I blurted.
The orgasm arrived a micro-second before the horrifying realization of what I’d just said. My arms and legs clenched tight around him as the explosion went off in my mind. I tightened around his plunging cock, triggering a whole new wave of sensations. My head and shoulders fell back against the grass but my chest thrust up, back arching and breasts mashing against his pecs.
My eyes flew open and I just had time to see Bull’s expression. He was startled, for once, genuinely thrown. And then the feel of my body spasming around him took him over the edge and he groaned. He stared down at me and his eyes took on a look of such burning, all-out lust that my climax collapsed in on itself and exploded again like a dying star, blowing away all coherent thought.