Page 19 of Collateral Damage
Only she could end up having a one night stand with a man like this. “Do you let women tell you you’re not perfect?”
A shadow passed across his midnight eyes. “I’m not perfect, Sweetheart. Not by a long shot.”
“And I am?”
He studied her face for too long. “Perfect means different things to different people.”
Bess started to argue. Started to ask what in the hell perfect was to him, because he obviously had a pretty low threshold to entry on that club, but Whitt cut her off, sealing his mouth over hers with a kiss that stole her breath and her senses. His tongue stroked hers. His hands tangled in her hair. His body pressed close, hard and hot, the weight of his dick resting long and solid against her belly.
She reached between them, fisting him tight. She’d done nothing but lay there so far, and it was time to show Whitt he wasn’t the only one who could hold their own in the situation.
He groaned low in his chest as she pumped in long, slow strokes. “Fuck, Sweetheart. Don’t do too much of that.”
“Okay.” Bess took advantage of his distraction, hooking one leg around the back of his and rolling them across the king-sized mattress.
His dark brows lifted. “Impressive.” He caught her behind the neck and pulled her against him. “Not many people get the upper hand with me.”
A second later she was on her back again. “Are you saying you like to be in control?”
“That might be an understatement.” His mouth brushed hers. Soft at first, then growing rougher. More demanding. When Whitt broke the kiss his breathing was fast, his words rough. “Can I fuck you now, Sweetheart?”
The question caught her off guard. No man had ever asked permission before. Not so directly anyway. “I thought you said you liked to be in charge.”
His head barely shook. “I said I liked to be in control.” His fingers trailed across her lips. “When it comes to fucking you’re in charge. You don’t want it, it doesn’t happen.”
She swallowed hard. Where in the hell did a man like this come from?
And why in the hell did he have to be leaving in the morning?
“I want it.” She pushed her hands in to his hair. “I want you.” Before she could change her mind she added, “Whoever you are.”
He knew she wasn’t really Carly Smith, and she knew he wasn’t really Whitt whatever he said his last name was. She was lying naked with a man whose name she didn’t know, and somehow it felt like an irrelevant fact.
Names didn’t matter. What mattered was that he seemed to get her in a way most people didn’t. “Please.”
“So polite.” He shifted on the bed, moving away to the packed bag in the corner, where he reached into a zipped pocket on the side and pulled out a condom. He tore it open as he crawled toward her. “What else are you willing to say please for, Sweetheart?”
That list was surprisingly long considering she’d known him just a few hours.
Unfortunately, she only had one night to get to as many as she could.
Bess eyed the bag in the corner. “How many condoms do you have in there?”
The surprise in his eyes made her smile. “You might be overestimating me.”
Bess shook her head. “I doubt it.” When Whitt asked what she thought he was she’d been superficial with her words. Tried to stay focused only on what didn’t matter when it came to who this man was. Fed him the bullshit she hoped would keep her safe.
But he deserved better.
“I would say chances are that’s an impossible thing to do.” Her belly fluttered as he eased between her thighs. “I think you’re a man who is capable of anything.”
He stilled, watching her with the same intensity he’d had all night.
“I think you are honest and focused and unstoppable.” She scrambled for more, wanting to give him a little of what he’d given her tonight. Show him she saw who he was too. Maybe not all of it, but enough. “I think you are the kind of man who takes care of everyone else first.”
He’d done it all night. Protected her. Shown her pleasure without taking any for himself.
Whitt leaned closer, the hard press of his cock notching against her. “You definitely overestimate me.” His big body covered hers as he eased into her. “But I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations.” He was fully seated in her before the words fully left his mouth, ending on a groan. “Jesus.” His forehead dropped to hers as he held tight against her. “You feel so fucking good.”