Page 45 of Line of Resistance
“I guess it depends on the questions.” Her heart rate picked up as his fingers traced lower, following the curve of her ass. She’d expected him to maybe grab her boob or shove a hand down the front of her panties, but Nate’s approach was the complete opposite. It was slow. It was careful.
It was calculated.
His touch almost tickled as he teased the crease where her butt met her thigh, arm curving around her body. “I’m just trying to get to know you better. What you like. What you don’t like.” Nate’s fingers skimmed deeper, light as a feather as they traced along the seam of her pussy through the fabric of her panties.
Eloise sucked in a breath, teeth sinking into her lower lip. “I don’t like you.”
Nate, like usual, was unbothered by her less than sweet words. “What else don’t you like?”
The light brushing of his fingers continued across her slit, driving her to distraction. “Karaoke.”
Nate chuckled, the sound low as it reverberated through his chest. “That’s good, because you’re terrible at it.”
Her eyes snapped to his face. “Fuck you.”
“I said no fucking.” Nate’s smile held. “And you already confessed your dislike of karaoke. I want to know something else. Something new.” His free hand laced into her hair, fisting tight. “What about kissing? How do you feel about that?” His eyes were fixed on her mouth, dark and intense. Like kissing her was the only thing he wanted. The only thing that mattered.
It was a little intoxicating. That was the only excuse for what she said next.
“I don’t mind kissing.”
Nate’s nostrils barely flared and the hand in her hair tightened. “Good.”
There was no time to prepare. Not even a split second to brace herself. Because less than a heartbeat later he was dragging her in, pulling her close, pinning her body to his as his lips claimed hers.
And that’s what this was. It wasn’t a kiss. It was a claiming. Hard and hot and consuming. There was no lead up. No pretense. None of the careful nipping and soft presses that usually happened in a first kiss. Nate kissed her like he’d done it a thousand times. Like he planned to do it a thousand more. Like he already knew exactly what she wanted. What she needed.
The glide of his tongue against hers and the scrape of his teeth against her lower lip sent the world spinning. Forcing her to latch onto something. Anything. She laced her fingers in his hair, holding tight to the slightly stiff strands as any semblance of his perfectly styled coif were obliterated by her grabbing fingers.
Hopefully it would annoy the shit out of him because he was annoying the shit out of her. Nate should not be this good of the kisser. He should not be so—
The hand between her thighs moved, dragging every bit of her focus down to the spot where it was teasing its way into the side of her panties. For a second she’d forgotten he was touching her there. Forgotten the offer he’d made. But now it was all she could think about because if he could kiss like this, what in the hell else was he capable of?
All the air rushed from her body as he brushed over the swell of her clit.
Nate’s sinfully skilled mouth nipped at her chin, following the line of her jaw before sucking on the lobe of her ear. “Still think I can’t give you what you want?” He teased across her clit again, sending a jolt of sensation and need racing through her body. She bucked against him, unable to control her reaction as a needy whine escaped her lips.
The prick had the audacity to chuckle. “That’s what I thought.”
“I hate you.” She tried to sound like she meant it, but that was easier said than done.
Nate chuckled again. “That’s fine. You can hate me and still love what I do to you.”
His words shot straight to her clit, hitting her with a double dose of pleasure that amplified every stroke of his unerring fingers.
She’d been with men who liked to talk while they made out or had sex, but usually it was cringey and borderline amusing.
There was nothing amusing about the words still coming out of Nate’s mouth.
“And I don’t think you hate me as much as you think you do. If you did, you wouldn’t be so wet for me.” His fingers slid back, dipping into her body with a slow press. The easy glide of it proved his words were more than filthy, they were true.
And she would be mad about it later. Pissed he was finding so much smug satisfaction in this moment. But it was impossible to think of anything but the steady way he thrust into her, each motion dragging over a spot that had her clenching around him.
“What’s wrong?” Nate made another dragging pass across that knee buckling spot. “Didn’t think I knew how to find this either?”
Holy fuckballs, she was screwed. Ruined forever by a man she’d probably never see again after this.
Still might be worth it.