Page 60 of Line of Resistance
“As long as it doesn’t involve turning us into jerky.” Nate worked the rifle off his shoulder and propped it next to Reggie’s shotgun.
Reggie tucked her chin, lips pressed flat as she looked him up and down. She turned to Eloise. “He always try to be funny?”
Eloise grinned. “Usually he tries to be charming, but sometimes he mixes it up.”
Reggie kept her eyes on him as she moved closer to Eloise, stage whispering into her ear. “Men who look like him are usually up to no good.”
Eloise’s smile held. If anything it seemed to get brighter. “Oh, I know.” She returned Reggie’s unhushed whisper. “That’s why I like him.”
Nate held both hands out. “I’m standing right here.”
Reggie reached out to pat him in the center of his chest. “Hush, honey. Women are talking.”
Eloise made a strangled sound before starting to cough, unsuccessfully hiding her laughter.
Reggie didn’t bother pretending. She cackled loud and long as she grabbed a towel and wiped the coffee from the floor. The older woman clearly believed she was going to throw him off, but Reggie had no clue how much experience he had with a handful of younger, mouthier versions of her.
Which reminded him. “You really don’t have a phone at all?” Reggie already had her back to them, making her way down the hall. “Ain’t got one. Don’t plan on getting one. Don’t wish I had one.”
Eloise followed behind the woman who would probably be her new best friend soon. “But what if you have an emergency? What happens if you get hurt?”
“Then I die.” Reggie kept going, leading them deeper into her home.
And it was a pretty nice home. The end of the hall opened up into a large living room area. It was cozy and comfortable looking, with well-worn furniture and blankets that were likely hand made piled in every corner.
“I’m guessing you two are hungry since you’ve been out hiking around.” Reggie turned their way, looking them over with a judgmental gaze. “You definitely need a shower.” She motioned toward a doorway leading off of the living space. “Spare bedroom’s over there. Got some towels in the bathroom you can use.” She stopped, swinging her pointing finger their way. “But you better be quick. Don’t be using up all my hot water.”
Nate nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
Eloise gave her a wide smile. One that showed no hint of the fakeness she frequently displayed. “Thank you so much.”
“No reason to thank me. You’re only in here because I don’t want to have to drag your dead bodies off my property when the snow melts.” She made a shooing motion with her hands. “Go get cleaned up while I make us something to eat.”
Nate snagged Eloise by the hand, pulling her into the short hallway leading to a small bedroom with an attached bathroom. He closed the door behind them, giving the room a quick look over just in case. Once he was confident everything was safe, he motioned to the bathroom. “You can have the shower first.”
Eloise unzipped her coat, shaking out of it. “I’m glad we’re on the same page because I was absolutely going first.” She was already wriggling out of her borrowed jeans. “I can’t wait to get warm.”
Nate didn’t pretend not to look as she peeled away her shirt. “Remember what Reggie said. I have a feeling she might pull her shotgun back out if we use up all her hot water.”
Eloise shot him a grin as she pushed open the door leading to the small, attached bathroom. “I really like her.”
Nate chuckled. “You would.”
Eloise’s jaw went slack in mock outrage. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean she’s just like you. Only she pretends to be a pain in the ass so nobody notices how sweet she is while you pretend to be sweet so nobody realizes you’re a pain in the ass.” Nate stepped toward her, reaching out to swat her on the ass. “Hurry up.”
He didn’t actually care how long she took to get ready but staring at Eloise stripped down to her panties and bra had him half hard already, and after almost three days of sporting a continuous erection, he was about to turn into one giant blue ball.
“Yes, sir.” Eloise stuck her tongue out at him before ducking into the room and closing the door.
Once she was out of sight, he rolled his head from side to side, easing out a little of the tension he’d been carrying since discovering Eloise was missing. For the first time since then, things finally felt like they might be headed in the right direction.
Like everything might work out.
His hopes for a calm and restful evening were cut short by a sharp screech from the bathroom.
Nate was through the door in a heartbeat. He grabbed the shower curtain and whipped it back, ready to do damage to whatever or whoever dared try to hurt her.