Page 7 of Line of Resistance
It’s not you, it’s me.
You’re too good for me.
I’m just not in a good place.
But Bryson’s little voice cut off whatever bullsnot was about to come out of his lips. “Miss Rivers?”
She snapped her head to the door, wide, fake smile frozen in place as Nate stepped back, putting a more comfortable amount of distance between them. Thankfully it was enough to allow her frozen lungs to finally take in some air so she could avoid passing out at his feet. “I’m coming.”
HE KNEW BETTER than to show up at this damn party. Nothing good was ever going to come of it.
Yet there he was, unable to stop himself from not only convincing Rico to fly out early after completing their last job, but also from finding his way as close to Eloise as possible. She was like fucking catnip to him. And that was before he saw her race to that little boy’s side.
A little boy who reminded him an awful lot of who he used to be.
Now, after seeing the gentle way she handled a kid most people would consider an annoyance, the chances of him being able to leave her alone were dropping faster than the first layer of Alaskan snow hitting the ground outside.
And the scowl on her face wasn’t helping matters any.
She snagged him the second they stepped into the common area of the rooming house, dragging him by the arm to a quiet corner before spinning to face him, full of piss and vinegar. “You shouldn’t have made all those plans with him.” Eloise’s frown was so deep it creased a line between her dark brows. “It’s not fair to offer that kind of stuff to a kid like him.” There was a level of ferocity in her tone. It made him wonder just what might happen if he didn’t follow up on all the promises he’d made Bryson. What lengths the sweet, people-pleasing principal might go to in an effort to punish him for giving the little boy false hope.
But as much as he wanted to test Eloise’s dedication to a child most would do their best to ignore, there was no way he would ever disappoint Bryson. Not only because the kid was clearly desperate for connection, but because he knew what it was like to be young and alone and let down by everyone you thought would be there for you.
“What makes you think I don’t intend to keep my promise?”
Eloise snorted, rolling her eyes. “Seriously?” She crossed her arms, looking remarkably different from the woman who had a fake smile plastered on her face not five minutes ago as they walked back from the medical wing.
And while both versions of her were more than a little appealing, this particular one made him want to stand even closer. Forget they were surrounded by his family and friends. Chase the scent of honeysuckle and jasmine that lingered in the air around her. Beg for the chance to make up for all his mistakes.
It was a problem. Hell, everything about Eloise was turning out to be a problem. One he didn’t have a clue how to remedy.
“You seem mad at me.” Against his better judgment he moved closer, waiting to see what version of herself she offered next. “Is this about the kiss you promised me?”
He couldn’t stop himself from aggravating her. Not now that he’d seen how fucking adorable an aggravated Eloise could be. She was definitely pissed at him, and not only because of the promise he made to Bryson. This went all the way back to that dumb decision he made at the Christmas party.
He knew better than to allow himself to become interested in a woman connected to his family. It made things too complicated. Too risky.
But Eloise wasn’t initially a threat, and ever since the first night he laid eyes on her—showing up to help Tyson when Naomi’s purse was stolen after the bar they were in caught fire—there’d been something about her big brown eyes and infectious smile that pulled him in.
There was an innocence about her. A softness that made him itch with the need to protect her and the sweet and sunny disposition she had.
Not that there was a trace of it on her beautiful face now.
“Don’t make fun of me. It’s not as amusing as you think it is.” Eloise lifted her chin, continuing to stare him down. “Just leave Bryson alone, okay? You don’t understand what his life is like. Having someone like you pretend to care is only going to make it harder for him.”
There was so much to unpack in her statement. All sorts of things that said more about Eloise than they did about him, but one stuck out more than the rest.
“Someone like me?” It was impossible to tell how she meant it, and part of him couldn’t help but hope he hadn’t completely blown his shot with her.
Eloise rolled her eyes, irritation continuing to take the place of the bright smile she almost always wore. He’d only seen her like this one other time, the night her ex-boyfriend showed up with flowers after canceling a date, and their relationship, at the last minute. The prick clearly had a change of heart and thought all it would take to gain forgiveness was a lame apology and grocery store roses. The possibility had pissed him off, resulting in a moment he wasn’t proud of.
But also didn’t regret.
“You know exactly what you’re like.” Eloise’s tone dripped with something akin to disgust. “You get by on good looks and charm and no one ever holds you accountable for any of the bullshit that comes out of your mouth.”