Page 85 of Line of Resistance
And he would.
Because he might not be able to go back in time and receive the sort of love he always wanted, but he could absolutely offer it now.
NATE STRODE INTO Intel’s office and planted himself behind Heidi’s desk, looking over her shoulder. “Have you found anything yet?”
Heidi rolled her eyes up at him. “Oh, yeah. We solved everything. We just decided not to tell you.” She made a face at him. “You really think we would have figured something out and not called you immediately?”
Nate scrubbed one hand over his face before raking it through his unkempt hair. “I’m sorry. I’m just pissed.”
“Everyone’s pissed.” Pierce leaned against the open door, looking deceivingly relaxed. “But being pissed won’t figure out who fired that shot.”
Nate straightened, forcing in a calming breath. “We need to figuresomethingout. It’s a whole fucking school of kids, Pierce.”
“I realize this.” Pierce wandered into the room, tucking one hand into his pocket as he moved toward his wife’s desk. “That’s why, for the foreseeable future, Alaskan Security will be donating additional security.”
It wasn’t a perfect solution, but knowing it wouldn’t just be a single security officer keeping those kids safe did make him feel slightly better. “I want the post.”
Pierce lifted a brow as he settled onto the edge of Mona’s desk. “Did you genuinely think I would assign it to someone else?” His hand slid from his pocket and moved to trace along the skin of Mona’s knuckles. “I think you and Tyson will be the best choice given you each have connections with the school.”
“I agree.” Nate crossed both arms over his chest. “I think we should keep at least one man on the property even when this is all over.” He’d seen exactly how quickly things could get out of control. One safety officer was not enough. “You’ve been looking for a way to show the community we’re no threat to them. This is a way to show them not only are we not a threat, but we’re an ally.”
Pierce tipped his head, mouth flattening into a considering line. “I could see how that might reflect on us in a positive way.” He stood from Mona’s desk, dragging his touch from her hand. “We’ll revisit that when the time comes.” His eyes drifted to the screens lining the wall at the front of the room. “Hopefully it comes soon.”
Hopefully it came sooner than soon. GHOST had collected Bryson’s father from the school and reinvented the manner of his death, but it still didn’t change the reality that someone using military grade ammunition was able to take him out right under their noses. That level of accuracy required significant training. The kind of training you didn’t get at your local gun range.
Pierce turned to him, lifting his brows. “I didn’t expect to see you here this morning. I assumed you had more important places to be.” His expression pinched. “How are they doing? Eli said Bryson was a little bruised up.”
“He had a goose egg on his head last night, but it’s gone this morning. The bruise on his face looks pretty bad though.” He gritted his teeth, wishing he was the one who got to take that fucking shot. “They’re both in the basement swimming with Tyson, Naomi, and Emmett. I don’t think they’ve even realized I’m gone.”
Pierce’s lips teased a smile. “I doubt that’s true.” He lifted one finger toward the door. “Go be with them. I’ll come get you the second we find something.”
Pierce didn’t have to tell him twice. After nearly losing Eloise and watching last night as she held Bryson while he cried over the death of his father, not being at their side was almost painful.
He hurried back to the suite the three of them currently shared, stripping down before pulling on his swim trunks and rushing to the pool he promised Bryson they would one day play in together. This might not be the way he intended for it to happen, but at least now Bryson realized he kept his promises. And after losing so much, the little boy needed to know there was something he could count on.
A wave of hot, muggy air hit him as he pulled open the door and stepped into the pool room. The space had always been nice, but since Pierce had mistakenly believed Mona loved plants and bought one of everything in existence, the pool area had a more authentic tropical feel. Now, not only were the walls painted in a lush landscape, but palm trees and hibiscus were tucked into every available space. Someone had even built a small pergola and angled it into the corner, stringing it with lights and white drapery to make it feel like a cabana. It was a tiny paradise hidden beneath Alaskan Security.
He always loved spending time here, but today was different. Today was special.
It wasn’t hard for him to know why.
Eloise sat at the edge of the pool, watching Bryson and Emmett bounce around in the water. She turned as the door closed, giving him the bright, wide smile that always hit him like a beam of sunshine. “There you are.”
Nate went right to her side, dropping his towel on a chair as he passed before sitting down and sliding one hand along the side of her face. He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers before pulling back and offering up a handful of words he’d been waiting years to say. “I think I love you.”
Eloise’s jaw dropped open, but a split second later her sweet, bright smile returned. She smacked his shoulder. “You jerk. I can’t believe you pretended like you didn’t hear what I said.”
Nate draped one arm over her shoulders, pulling her into his side. “Anything you say immediately after getting off doesn’t count.” He caught her chin and pulled her in for another kiss. “Especially if you just got off three times in a row. Anyone would love me under those circumstances.”
Her lips twisted into a little smirk. “Fair enough.”
“Nate!” Bryson doggy paddled over to where Eloise dangled her feet in the water. “Are you going to swim with us?”
“Heck yes, I am.” Nate leaned in to press another kiss to Eloise’s lips. “I’ll be back.” He slid into the water, sucking in a breath as it reached his nuts. “It’s a little chilly today.”