Page 88 of Line of Resistance
Bryson nodded. “I will, El. I promise.”
“Good boy.” She gave him a little pat on the back as he rushed off, clearly already knowing exactly where he fit in. She loved that for him. Especially since once again she was caught in the strange spot of not knowing whereshefit in.
That was part of what had changed. Not only because now she was with Nate, but also because after swearing to him over and over that these people would never have turned their backs on him, she kind of had to put her money where her mouth was.
And that meant she had to quit pretending. Quit hiding behind what she thought were the best parts of her and instead let all the less desirable qualities she possessed be put on display and hope she was right.
Naomi greeted Bryson when he reached her side, sending him and Emmett off to play before making a beeline for where she and Nate stood. She grabbed Eloise in a tight hug giving her a squeeze before leaning back. “Did you see they’re setting the karaoke up?”
Eloise swallowed hard, feeling a little sick. Just as she was about to accidentally smile wide and pretend to be excited, Nate’s warm hand came to rest on the back of her neck, offering reassurance and support.
“Actually, I think I might pass on karaoke tonight.” She braced herself, fully expecting Naomi’s disappointment.
But Naomi only smiled wider. “Fantastic. That leaves more time for me.” She snagged Eloise by the hand, giving it a squeeze as she leaned in. “I’m going to make Tyson sing duets with me all night long.”
Eloise smiled, the expression more genuine and a little smaller than she normally would have offered. “And I will listen all night long.”
Naomi gave her another smile before turning away and going to where Tyson was, no doubt to inform him there were plenty of openings for them to take advantage of.
Nate leaned down, his voice soft in her ear. “Look at you being your real self.”
She swatted the center of his chest. “Quit giving me a hard time.”
Nate chuckled, his breath warm against her skin. “Maybe I’ll sneak you out of here and into one of the utility closets later so I can give you all the hard time you can handle.”
The offer was tempting. Having a kid around meant you had to take full advantage of every opportunity that presented itself. Not that she regretted Bryson being in their life for one single second. Actually, they’d gone to great lengths and spent a decent amount of money to ensure he stayed there forever.
Nate leaned away, his eyes focusing across the room. “I’m going to go talk to Pierce.” He met her eyes, holding her gaze. “I’ll come find you in a few minutes.”
She nodded, hoping she looked less lost than she felt. “Yeah. Go. I’ll be fine.”
Obviously Nate believed her, because he disappeared through the crowd of people, no doubt off to see if Pierce had heard anything about the location of their still missing vehicles, or the identity of the shooter who took Bryson’s father down almost eight weeks ago.
“Are you just gonna stand there all night or are you going to come hang out with us?”
Eloise turned to find Harlow waving her closer. “He’ll come back. I promise.” The hacker for Intel rolled her eyes as Shawn, Heidi’s husband headed their way, a twin balanced on each hip. “They always do.”
Eloise took a little breath, hoping for reassurance before heading for the group of women who worked for Alaskan Security. They were all ridiculously smart and successful.
And intimidating as hell.
Harlow scooted over, making room for her before patting the spot. “How are things going? Are you liking your new place?”
Eloise sat down, her first instinct to spew every bit of the good, polishing it up with a rosy shine and a healthy dose of enthusiasm.
And while the townhouse was beautiful, it was also something else.
“I didn’t realize how loud two other people could be.” She sighed, flopping back against the couch. “There’s always a television on and half the time Nate and Bryson are watching some sort of sport, yelling at the top of their lungs.”
Mona sighed, bouncing her baby in her arms. “Ugh. I understand completely.” Her expression became almost wistful. “I remember how quiet it was when I lived alone. It was freaking amazing.”
Heidi caught one of her year-old twins as Shawn deposited the child into her lap. “I don’t want to hear either of you complaining about noise.” She cuddled the little girl close. “I wouldn’t give them up for anything, but I really wish these things came with a volume button.”
Harlow shrugged, a wicked smile on her lips. “That’s what you all get for procreating. My house is peaceful as shit.” She wiggled her brows. “And Dutch and I can fuck whenever we want.”
Heidi scowled at Harlow. “You don’t have to freaking rub it in.” She slumped down. “It’s been forever since I’ve had unsneaky sex.”
Harlow stood up. “Not me.” She gave them a wink. “Auntie Harlow can have all the wild relations she wants.” She tipped back the last of her drink. “And on that note I’m going for a refill.”