Page 10 of Point of Contact
“It seems like you're trying to hurt my feelings." She pushed her lip out in another pout, tipping her head. "Maybe I should start calling you Mister Meany Pants instead."
"You don't need to call me anything." Reed grabbed her arm, once again avoiding her injured wrist as he pulled her finger from his lips. "Because I'm not taking you to Alaska."
"Yes, you are." He could argue with her all night. That was fine. But there was no way he was leaving Florida without her.
Reed laughed, shaking his head. "Typical. You think you can show up and make demands and that everyone will do exactly what you ask."
"You're wrong." Thatwouldbe how he saw things. It was how most people saw things. But it wasn't the truth. It wasn't the reality she'd lived with her whole life. "I don't make demands. I make bargains." She held her ground as he glowered down at her. "I paid Alaskan Security for every request I've ever made of them.” She let her eyes move down his front, lingering pointedly on the cock she'd gotten more than a good look at before he noticed it was on display. "Just like I’m willing to bargain with you now."
He crossed his arms over his broad chest, accentuating the corded muscle of his forearms. "Say I agree to take you to Alaska. How will you support yourself once you're there?"
Her heart skipped a beat. He was considering this. "That's not your problem, is it?"
"Somehow I feel like it will be." His scowl was on full display, and it said all kinds of things about her that it actually made him more appealing.
She'd paid for every person who'd ever been a part of her life. One way or another, they were compensated to be her friend. Her confidant. To be her lover. And they ate it up. They were happy to provide fake smiles and false laughter as they followed her around, reaping the rewards she offered.
But not Reed. Even when she was paying him to protect her, he never offered up anything but what he really thought. Not a single fake smile or bought behavior. And that made her respect him a little.
Even if the feeling wasn’t mutual.
"I promise you won't ever see me again once we get back." She traced an X between her tits. "Cross my heart and pretending to die."
Reed stared at her, expression stony.
"Come on." She propped both hands on her hips, voice a little whiny. "That was funny and you know it."
He stared at her a second longer before turning away, refusing to admit she was as hilarious as she knew she was. "If I agree to take you back to Alaska—"
Courtney couldn't stop herself from making a squeak of excitement.
It sent Reed spinning back her way. He pointed a finger at her. "I saidif, Princess. I still haven't decided what I'm gonna do with you."
She wiggled her brows at him. "I have a few suggestions if you're open to options."
She'd joked with the other men from Alaskan Security, but Reed was the only one she’d ever flirted with. Mostly because he was so clearly irritated by it. Jabbing at him gave her something to do all those months she was holed up in one of their off-grid cabins.
Even if it was always one-sided.
"You're not helping your cause any right now." His pointing finger dropped but he continued to glare. "If I agree to take you back to Alaska, you have to be on your best behavior." His voice was stern. "No making demands, no whining, and no fucking temper tantrums."
She gave him a bright smile, feeling hopeful for the first time in forever. "I promise I’ll behave."
"I'm serious." He stepped closer, bringing the width of his sculpted chest almost to hers. "I'm not putting up with your bullshit."
Her thighs clenched around a feeling she hadn’t had in months. Why did his grumpy demeanor turn her on so much?
"I’m serious too. I really will be good." She tried to look honest and innocent, which was a challenge. "And if I'm bad, you can spank me."
Reed shook his head, lips pressing tight. "See? That's the kind of shit I'm talking about."
She rolled her eyes. He really was no fun at all. "Fine. You don't have to spank me if I'm bad." She should leave it at that, but she couldn't stop herself from adding on, "You can spank me if I'm good too."
"HOLY SHIT. THAT'S great news." Heidi sounded relieved but exhausted, which made sense considering he was waking her up in the middle of the night. "I was feeling so guilty."