Page 27 of Point of Contact
It was bullshit.
Reed scanned the exit sign coming up. “Looks like this is our next stop.”
Courtney scowled at the sign. “We’re still in Florida.”
“For now.” Reed eased onto the exit, his eyes continuing to flick to the dash on regular intervals as the engine started to make an odd sound. “Don’t worry, Princess. I’ve got everything under control.”
That was an understatement. She knew he was focused. She knew he was dedicated. She knew he was intense.
And she liked all of it. It made her feel like she could rely on him. That he was capable of handling all that came their way.
But right now his level of self-control was a little annoying.
Reed coasted into the closest parking lot right as a thin stream of smoke started to leak from the edge of the hood. He parked the camper at the farthest end of the lot before shutting down the engine and turning to her. “Start packing our shit. We’ve gotta come up with plan B.”
REED PULLED THE dipstick on the engine, tipping it to the side to confirm his suspicions. "Looks like this thing hasn't had its oil changed in a decade."
Courtney leaned closer, squinting at the strip of metal. "How can you tell?"
He tipped his head to look her way, a little surprised that she gave a shit about something like this. "See that black liquid at the bottom?"
She nodded, her eyes coming to his face before going back to the dipstick.
"That should be a lot higher than it is." He put it back in place, before reaching for the prop holding up the hood.
"So can we just add more oil to it?" Courtney sounded hopeful. Like she didn't mind cruising down the highway in a camper older than she was.
"Maybe?" Reed clipped the prop stand in place before dropping the lid. "It might help, it might not. The water we put in the radiator could fix our immediate issue, but it looks like it’s not our only issue." He faced her. "And I don't happen to have any oil on me, so I'm not sure we should count on this thing getting us very far."
Courtney chewed her lower lip, her dark eyes drifting over his shoulder. He turned around to see what she was staring at. A Walmart Supercenter stood behind him. He shook his head. "No way. You're not trying to lift oil from Walmart."
Courtney gave him a grin. "Who said anything about trying?" She started across the parking lot, headed straight for the front doors, forcing him to chase after her.
He caught her by the hand, stopping her. "I know you got away with it once, but that's a huge risk, Princess. You said you don't want the cops involved, and if you get caught, I can promise you they will be involved."
Courtney's head tipped and she gave him a smile, reaching out to pat the side of his face with one hand. "That's so sweet that you think I've only done this once." She pinched his cheek, wiggling it around. "Don't worry, Sexy Pants. I've got this. I was a professional juvenile delinquent." She released his cheek and immediately gave his face a light slap. “And if I get caught, you can spank me.”
He took a slow breath, trying to will away the sudden stiffening of his cock. “Someone who misbehaves as much as you do probably shouldn’t go around offering up her ass for paddling. Someone might take you up on it.”
Courtney smirked. “Do I look scared?” She pulled her hand from his, giving him a wink as she backed toward the store. “Because you sure as hell do.”
He shook his head. "Definitely not scared, Princess." He jerked his chin toward the door behind her. "Let's see what you can do." He held up one hand before she managed to get away. "But, if I have to save your ass, it’s definitely going to see the business side of my palm."
Courtney wiggled her brows. "Careful. You give me too much incentive, I'll get caught on purpose."
Reed was still shaking his head as she took off toward the store, an extra bit of swagger in her step. He’d been almost positive he knew exactly who Courtney was, but he might not have been giving her enough credit.
Or enough grace.
She was most definitely everything he thought she was, but there might be a little more to her. Something beyond being a complete pain in his ass.
Unfortunately, that something led to him making bad choices in the rest stop bathroom. That couldn't happen again. If for no other reason than because he needed to keep his head clear right now. They were in a bad situation. One that could get exponentially worse with little to no warning. He needed to be at the top of his game. Alert and prepared every minute.
And he'd been anything but alert or prepared with her legs wrapped around his waist.