Page 51 of Point of Contact
He yanked her pants down to the middle of her thighs, taking panties and all before grabbing her by the waist and hefting her up onto the counter, the bare skin of her ass resting on the cushion of her coat as he dropped to his knees, dragging her pants down with him. He got them to her ankles, but abandoned the tangle when it caught on her shoes, choosing instead to lift her feet over his head, letting them fall against his back as he leaned in.
"What are you do—" Her breathy question ended in a strangled sound as he took his first taste of her, running the flat of his tongue up the heated slit of her pussy. As promised, her skin was soft and hairless with the exception of a tiny patch just above her pubic bone. Without the hindrance of hair, it was easy to tell how unbelievably soft she was here. How unbelievably slick. Unbelievably warm.
"Oh." The word rushed out on a breath as she gripped the counter, her feet digging into his back as she balanced herself on the edge.
The need to make her happy, to show her he touched her by choice, was driving him to be a little rougher than normal. More focused. More determined.
He gripped her thighs, fingers sinking into her flesh as he held them wide, pinning her in place as he rolled his tongue against the bead of her clit. Working it relentlessly as she started to pant above him. He thought about teasing her. Edging her until she was begging to come. Return a little of the torture she'd so happily dished out during their time together. But now wasn’t the time for that. Right now he needed to sate both her need and his.
Hopefully it would help him refocus.
Courtney rocked against him, one hand releasing the counter to grip his hair, fisting tight as she made soft, needy sounds that had his cock straining against his jeans.
But those enticing sounds quickly turned into words. Words that he would fucking remember forever.
Her head dropped back against the upper cabinets, chin tipped high, dark eyes closed. "Fuck, you’re good at that." Her heels dug into his back as she worked her hips against him. "I knew you’d be like this. Knew you’d be able to make me come so hard." She gripped his hair tighter. “Just like that. Just like that. Don’t stop.” Her words pitched higher. “You have the best tongue.”
He’d never dealt with a woman who was so vocal. But, then again, he hadn't dealt with anyone quite like Courtney. So he shouldn't be surprised that even in a moment like this she was determined to make him lose his mind. And he wanted nothing more than to return the favor.
While his tongue continued teasing against her clit, he found the well of her pussy and eased in a finger, nearly moaning himself as a ragged groan passed through her perfect lips. He kept his strokes slow and deep, curling his finger to add pressure where it would serve him best. The first pass had her hips raising up off the counter. The second had her legs clamped around his ears.
And she still didn’t stop talking.
"Fuck. I should’ve known you'd be able to find that spot." Her head banged back against the cabinets as she continued moving. "You’re going to ruin me. No one else is ever going to be able to touch me again."
Those words shouldn't have been as satisfying as they were. Shouldn't have made him try harder in the hope they might be true.
But he did. He added a second finger, filling her a little more and offering more pressure against the spot that had her writhing beneath him.
When her legs started to shake, he pursed his lips, wrapping them around the hard bud of her clit and offering a gentle, pulsating suck.
"Reed." His name came out on a wail, long and drawn out, as her pussy clamped around his fingers and wetness coated his palm.
Every inch of him wanted to stand up and sink into her. To take her hard and fast. To show her all he was capable of offering. But he was still sane enough to know that would be a really bad idea. Not that what he'd just done was a great idea, but he had to draw the line somewhere.
And the somewhere he was picking meant that box of condoms she picked up was going to stay sealed until they got to Alaska. Then they’d have the chance to reevaluate things when they weren't forced to share a tiny camper.
Courtney panted above him, her fingers still laced in his hair as she stared down at him. "You surprised me, sexy pants." She took another shuddering breath. "I didn't expect you to be the first one on their knees."
He hadn't expected a lot of things from her and it was nice to finally be on the other end of the surprises. “Good.” He pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh. "But we need to get moving." He carefully ducked under her legs, keeping her balanced before helping her slide to the floor.
Courtney made no move to adjust her clothing. Instead, she pushed out her lower lip, leaning into his chest as one hand gripped his aching length though the denim of his jeans. "I'm sure we have enough time for me to return the favor."
He gritted his teeth, loving and hating how forward she was. It left him clear where she stood on things, but also made it very hard to keep his head. "That wasn't a favor, Princess. That's not how shit like that works." He crouched down, partly because they really did need to get moving, but also to get her hand away from his cock before he proved how weak he really was.
Courtney held still as he found the waistband of her pants and panties, lining them up before carefully working both up her legs. She watched his every move, her lower lip pinched between her teeth. "You should probably know I don't really know how shit like thatissupposed to work."
Of course she didn't. She'd been surrounded by people whose interest in her only went as far as who her father was. Because, like she said, good or bad, that was what people saw when they looked at her.
"Then I guess you’ll have to learn." He got her clothing back into place, making sure everything was as it should be before taking a step back. Literally, and figuratively. "And that's why we won't be fucking until we get to Alaska and figure this,” he motioned between them, “out.”
Her eyes fixed on his hand before lifting to his face. "This? Does that mean we’re something?"
He wasn't ready to answer that. Not yet. "We're sure as hell not nothing." He glanced around the RV. "But right now we’re in an extreme circumstance. One that might have us acting in ways we normally wouldn't."
Courtney nodded like she agreed. "I see what you're saying." She stepped forward, closing the gap between them, her hands fisting in his coat. "Because normally I would have absolutely sucked your dick by now."
He was trying to be serious. Trying to be reasonable. Trying to be logical.