Page 81 of Point of Contact
The Jeep was still rolling when he jumped out, taking slow steps through the snow as he followed the most recent path of tire tracks. He stopped where they suddenly distorted before changing trajectory, taking a slow spin, eyes moving over everything high enough to serve as a camera mount.
His boots skidded to a stop, eyes dropping to the base of an electric pole. There, scattered across the snow, were bits and pieces of what remained of one of Heidi's cameras.
He jerked his chin at the location as Nate reached his side. "They parked here and took that one out in a single shot." Reed refocused on the tracks, following their path back to the road. "We need to canvass the neighborhood and we need to do it now."
"We should wait for backup." Nate's suggestion was reasonable and one he would have made not so long ago.
But he finally understood there were times you followed the rules and times you did whatever it took to make shit happen. Right now he was going to do whatever it took to make sure his parents and Courtney were safe. He'd break any law without blinking if it meant they would be okay.
Because there wasn't just a fine line between love and hate, there was also a fine line between right and wrong. And today he was going to walk it like a tightrope.
"You can wait if you want." Reed adjusted his grip on the rifle in his hands. "But I'm going in."
Nate held his gaze. "We don't have our earpieces. We'll be going old school." He gripped his own weapon. "But I'm game if you are."
He gave Nate a jerky nod, realizing how little separation actually existed in his life and how grateful he was for it. "I'll take this side."
Nate nodded back and took off, steps quiet as he moved to the other edge of the neighborhood, quickly blending into the snowy backdrop as he disappeared from sight.
Reed did the same, silently moving along the backside of the small homes. He knew this area like the back of his hand. He'd spent his whole childhood racing through the wooded space surrounding it, so it was easy to move quickly.
He was closing in on his parents' home when a single branch snapped behind him. He spun, rifle raised and ready to take out whoever decided to fuck with what was his.
A feral cat stared at him, furry body completely still. Reed let out a breath as relief flooded his system.
But before he could go back to his task he was hit hard from behind.
And then the world went black.
"THESE ARE SO good." Courtney took another bite of the small, rectangular, slightly sweet confection Reed's mom gave her for second breakfast. "Tell me again what these are called."
“Injeolmi.” His mother finished her own off. "They are one of Reed's favorites."
Courtney swallowed down her mouthful of the slightly chewy, completely delicious treat. "I can see why."
His mother stood up from the table where they were sharing coffee and a snack. "It's good to try new things." She went to the kitchen and topped off her mug from the giant pot sitting on the warmer. "Maybe you can show me some of the food your family eats."
The warmth that set up shop in her stomach the second she walked in and discovered Reed's parents seemed excited over her arrival, flatlined. "Oh." Courtney swallowed again, this time struggling around a tightness in her throat. "I don't really have anything like that."
Reed’s mother's dark brows lifted. "You don't know your family's recipes?"
Courtney shook her head, forcing on a smile. "It's not that I don't know them. There aren't any."
Reed's mother studied her for a second. "Why not?"
She took a steadying breath, her smile faltering a little. "Because I don't really have a family."
His mother's lips pressed together as her eyes narrowed. "No family?"
Courtney shook her head. "No family."
It was humiliating to admit the people who were supposed to be there for her couldn't be bothered to deal with her on any level, let alone one that would involve discussing traditions and passing down recipes. It brought her back to that insecure place she’d lived in for so long.
A place she was just beginning to think might one day be as far behind her as Miami was.