Page 84 of Point of Contact
But it was the only real option.
She blinked hard, trying to find the backbone that had carried her so far in life. "Just drop me off somewhere. I'll disappear. You don't have to go through all this."
Her Romeo wannabe shook his head. "No can do, gorgeous. We've got orders."
She rolled her eyes but couldn't decide if it was because he was still trying to butter her up or because he was acting like this couldn't all be over simply. "I'm sure Pierce won't mind if you just drop me off. It's fine. I get it."
Romeo exchanged looks with the one sporting a crooked nose before focusing on her. "It’s not about easy. We have to follow orders."
She dropped her head against the metal side of the van, staring up at the roof. "Fine. Whatever."
It didn't really matter. Nothing really did. Not anymore.
She sat silently as they drove, ignoring the men across from her. When they slowed down, she glanced out the windshield, expecting to be pulling up to a gate. But the building in front of them was not Alaskan Security. It looked more like a warehouse. Rectangular and boring with a nondescript exterior that didn't remotely hint at what was inside. She sat a little straighter. "Where are we?"
The guy who tackled her unbuckled her belt and hauled her up. "You probably shouldn't worry too much about that." He led her out of the van and into the building, which was just as boring and nondescript inside as it was outside. The hallway was all beige. Floor. Ceiling. Walls. Doors.
He led her to one of those doors, pulling her through before dropping her into a chair set up in the middle of the room. "You okay? Can I get you anything to drink or eat?"
What the fuck was happening? "You can tell me what's going on."
He looked her over a second before slowly shaking his head. "That's above my pay grade." He backed toward the door. "Sit tight." He closed her in, leaving her alone, but it didn't sound like he locked the door behind him.
That was probably a mistake. One she would do her best to make sure he regretted.
Courtney looked around the bare space. The only thing inside of it was the folding chair she was seated on, leaving her little in the way of weapons. Getting out of the handcuffs was easy, but then what?
She needed a plan.
Before she could even begin to dislocate her thumb, the door opened again. But instead of one of the guys from before, someone completely new walked in. He was wearing the same tactical gear as everyone else, but his was all black, setting off the silver of his hair and cropped beard. He watched her with a sharp gaze. One that sent a shiver down her spine.
The guys before had been capable of terrible things, but she didn't get the feeling they were unwarrantedly dangerous. This guy made her want to take a step back. His expression was unforgiving. His stance rigid and stern.
She swallowed hard, digging deep for what she knew she needed. Because this was definitely not Alaskan Security. And the man in front of her was definitely not Pierce. "Who are you?"
The man stared at her for so long she didn't expect him to answer. Finally he took a step closer. "That's information you don't need."
"Then why the fuck am I here? Did you just drag me here to sit in a chair and tell me none of this is relevant to me?" She lifted her brows. "Because it's seeming pretty fucking relevant right now, asshole."
She could swear the man's head tipped back the tiniest bit. Like he was shocked at her outburst. "Maybe you're just not asking the right questions, Courtney."
She rolled her eyes to the ceiling, getting more irritated by the second. "Ohhhh. You know my name. I'msoscared." She dropped her gaze back to him, bolstered by the knowledge she wasn't being kicked out of Alaska by Alaskan Security. They weren't abandoning her. Reed didn't have to decide between her and his parents. "I guess since you won’t give me yours that's the name I’m going to go with.” She leaned forward, narrowing her eyes. “Asshole."
The man blinked, again looking slightly surprised. "You aren't a part of this."
Courtney snorted. "Sure could've fooled me," she smirked, "asshole."
The man worked his jaw from side to side, the steel in his gaze hardening a little more and making her think she was getting to him. "Fine. One question."
Knowing his name wouldn't help her, so she skipped right over that one. Plus she liked calling him asshole because it clearly stuck in his craw. So she settled on the answer that might actually give her something to work with. "Where am I?"
He slowly inhaled, nostrils flaring like he still didn’t want to give the answer he promised. Finally he crossed his arms, staring her down. "You're at the headquarters of GHOST."