Page 26 of Covert Operation
I know my sister will do anything for me. Has tried her best to help me any way she can. But we’re so different and it makes it difficult for her to really understand how I’m feeling. Somehow, Zeke seems to get me, and that makes him so easy to be around. To the point that I seek him out, looking for more of what he offers.
Like an addict.
“What are your plans for the weekend?” Zeke is still in his relaxed pose, but something has shifted. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s there. Hanging in the air.
“Well.” I swallow, smoothing down one side of my hair as I try to collect my thoughts. “I was hoping to get my condo a little more together.” I hesitate, because now that Zeke is back, there’s something I’d really like to do, but I don’t want to monopolize his whole life. “And I was thinking about maybe going to look at cars.”
Zeke’s brows lift. “You want to drive?”
That’s a tricky question. “Not technically, but I also don’t want to keep riding in with Elise.” I lean forward, lowering my voice. “Have you ever been in a car with her?”
Zeke matches my position, bringing his big body closer so he can rest both forearms on the surface between us. “No. Because I value my life.”
My next inhale is permeated by the scent I tried so hard to replicate, and it fills me all the way to my toes, sinking into my cells and soothing them. “She’s terrifying.”
“If you can ride with her, you can do anything.” He leans back. “And that includes driving in winter in Alaska.”
My stomach clenches at the thought, but I don’t really have a choice. “The snow is part of it, but…” I trail off, not wanting to finish the admission.
“I know,” he says, voice soft. “It just takes time.”
“It’s been a year.” Way longer than I expected back when Sadie and Jamison rescued me. Honestly, I thought I’d take a couple months to come to terms with what happened, and then I’d move on. It’s not like this is the first traumatizing thing to happen to me in my life. “I didn’t think this would be so difficult.” I hesitate before making a confession I wouldn’t give anyone but him. “It’s much harder than losing my parents was.”
I hold my breath, sure he’s going to judge me. I wouldn’t blame him. I judge myself. How is my parents being executed by the bratva less awful than something I survived?
But Zeke’s expression doesn’t carry a trace of disgust. Only the same calm focus he always provides. “We will get you through this, Savannah.” His gaze holds mine. “I promise.”
I believe him. Much more than I believe myself. “Okay.”
“And the first step to getting you through it, is making sure you never have to get in a car with Elise again.” He smirks when I laugh. “Do you need help picking out a car?”
My stomach tightens at the prospect of seeing him this weekend. He was gone so long and I feel so freaking good when he’s with me. “I do.”
Could I do it myself? Probably. But Zeke knows what it’s like to drive around here. He’ll be able to help me pick out something I’ll feel safe in.
“Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m free this weekend.” Zeke stands. “You tell me when.”
“Tomorrow?” I sound eager. I am. “Maybe in the morning?”
“Tomorrow morning then.” He goes to the door. “I’ll pick you up at nine.”
My smile is so wide it almost hurts. “Perfect.”
Zeke turns to leave, but stops. Looking back my way, he tips his head to the items I arranged on his desk. “I like it.”
My overwide smile manages to get even broader. “I’m glad.”
He disappears from view and my smile slips a little. I know he’s tired. Probably sore too, even though I managed to get him to take pain medication. Stubborn man was going to suffer through. I don’t get why he would turn down relief, especially since he was planning to go to bed anyway. Hopefully that’s what he does now. And hopefully, Pierce doesn’t interrupt him again.
As much as I would have liked to spend more time with him, I have work to do before I leave for the day. Even with theinterruption of Zeke’s arrival eating up a chunk of the workday, I buckle down and tackle the tasks Elise gave me, managing to get them all done. I’m just closing up my computer when she comes across the hall to collect me, lifting her brows as she ties on her coat. “How’d you do?”
“Good.” I slip on my own wool coat. “I got everything done.”
“You are a freaking life saver.” Elise lets out a relieved sigh. “I’m serious. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” She leads me out into the hall. “Probably throw things.”
“That would just make a mess you’d have to clean up.” I sling my bag over one shoulder as we cut through the building to the parking garage.
“Ugh. True.” Elise waves at the guy manning the glassed-in office as we pass on our way to her car. “Speaking of cleaning up messes, how’s unpacking going?”