Page 59 of Covert Operation
Do whatever Zeke tells you. I’m sending backup now, but they won’t be there for a few hours.
A few hours is a long time, but not nearly as long as I expected. I’m so used to dealing with Shadow and Rogue that I forget there are more teams at Alaskan Security. If backup can get to us in a few hours, that means someone from Alpha, Beta, or Stealth is relatively close to us.
But not quite close enough to get us the hell out of here.
My spine stiffens as I hear more footsteps, these coming faster than the ones before. I get off the desk and crouch low. The sunis going down, but there’s still enough light that anyone glancing into the room might be able to make out my form, so I hunker down and hold my breath.
The footsteps disappear, but then the air in the room shifts, a cold line of air cutting in from the hall. My heart nearly jumps out of my chest when a giant form takes up the open doorway.
“Time to go, Sweetheart. We’ve gotta move fast.”
He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I’m up and hustling across the room, following the same path we used to get in, making sure I don’t step on anything that might hurt me or make a lot of noise. Zeke grabs me as soon as I’m within reach, hauling me the rest of the way out and tucking me close. “Follow my lead.”
“Got it.” I hold on tight to his coat, matching my steps to his as he goes for the exit door just outside the room. I’m nervous about being back out in the open, but I trust Zeke. He’s the best at what he does and I know if anyone can get us out of this situation, it’s him.
I don’t hesitate as we step out into the frigid evening air. I know the less he has to worry about me, the more attention he can put on what he’s doing, so I stay quiet and close, basically molding myself to his back as we move silently along the edge of the building. But while I might be quiet and close, I’m not blindly relying on Zeke to do all the work. I keep my eyes sharp, looking from side to side and behind, listening for any sign someone is closing in on us.
We’re only a few yards from the hotel when the soft crunch of steps over snow that’s melted and frozen again sends my attention to the right. Using my right hand, I give Zeke’s coat alittle tug, tipping my head toward the sound when he glances my way.
He redirects us, changing our trajectory to put us behind an old shed with a caved-in roof. One big arm comes out to curve around me, scooping me out of sight just as the sound of the steps gets clearer.
Flattening my back against the rotting wood, I hold my breath just in case the fog of my exhales might give away our location.
Zeke peers around the edge of the small building, pistol in his hand as he watches whatever’s happening. My plan to hold my breath starts to make me see stars, so I tuck my mouth and nose into the fabric of my scarf and slowly breathe out. I’ve just pulled in a fresh lungful when Zeke grabs me, hauling me into his arms again before taking off at a full-speed fucking run.
My stomach lurches, my first thought is someone must be chasing us, but then I hear the sound of an engine and tires. It’s loud enough to hide the steady thump of Zeke’s boots as they hit the ground.
I tuck close, trying to make myself as aerodynamic as possible as he cuts back into the scrappy treeline. I peer over his shoulder, trying to get a look at what’s happening behind us, but the small shed offers great coverage for both us and everyone on the other side. I can’t see anything or anyone. “Who was that?”
“I don’t know yet.” Zeke takes a hard right, cutting down an alley. “Did you message Pierce?”
“Yes. And I shared my location.” I hope that was the right thing to do, but the way Zeke’s head snaps my way makes me think I might have been wrong.
“When you were in the hotel?”
“Yes.” The admission comes out along with all the air in my lungs. “Is that bad?”
“Technically no, but it could have been.” Zeke turns again, cutting through someone’s backyard. “Get your phone out and turn it off.”
I don’t question his demand. I just do what he asks, my hands shaking a little as I shut it down.
Zeke comes to a stop at the back of a house, setting me on my feet before looking from side to side. Then he puts his elbow through the window, knocking the remaining glass free with his gloved hand before reaching inside to unlock the door.
We step into a garage and he closes the door behind us, then starts looking through the row of drawers lined down the back wall.
I press my hands to my cheeks as panic finally starts to take hold. Up until now I haven’t worried because I knew Zeke would take care of me.
But I might have just fucked everything up. “I’m so sorry. I thought it would be a good thing if Pierce knew where we were.”
Zeke halts his search, turning to pull me in. “Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong, Sweetheart.” He tucks me close, one hand smoothing down my back. “Ultimately, it was a good thing. I guarantee Heidi has already hacked into every camera within a five mile radius, so they’re going to be working on identifying whoever blew that building up.”
“But more people showed up right after I messaged Pierce.” I swallow hard. “Does that mean they’re tracking my phone?”
Zeke is quiet for a minute, his broad chest expanding on a deep breath. “It’s possible.”
My own breaths start coming faster. “Is it enough to turn my phone off? Can they still tell where I’m at?”