Page 19 of Wicked Little Tricks
Ringo blinked up at me, obviously horrified that I had brought him into the conversation. “No, mistress. The terms are clear.“
I thought about it. I didn’t owe any allegiance to Sebastian, and really, I was pretty pissed at him for sending me here to begin with. So I could get some revengeandinformation on my mother. I had no reason to keep Sebastian’s secrets, and it wasn’t like Mistral was asking for any of my own…
I held Ringo with one arm and reached out my hand.
Mistral took my hand, smoothing one long finger across the inside of my wrist until I shivered. “Oh no, dear mortal. That is not how high goblins seal bargains.”
He used his grip on my wrist to pull me close, once again pressing Ringo between us. I stood like a deer in the headlights as his lips found mine.
Heat surged through my body. He tasted like the smell right after it rains, including the electric, hair-raising energy. My blood pounded through my body like angry ocean waves.
His lips remained on mine for a moment, then he pulled away, leaving me with an aftertaste of earth and vanilla.
“See her out to the border.” He turned back toward the fire, then glanced at me. “I’ll send for you when I’m ready.”
My cheeks were on fire and I felt so breathless I could barely speak. “What about my information on Celeste?”
He looked tired again. “She is not in this realm. That’s all I know.”
I blinked at him. That was hardly useful information. I opened my mouth to argue, but Gabriel grabbed my arm, dragging me toward the door. “Hey!” I shouted, but he was already shutting the door behind us.
He kept hold of my arm to continue escorting me out. I felt something heavy in my coat pocket, and reached my free hand in to find my wallet.
At least he wasn’t keepingmy money and ID. I was royally pissed, but couldn’t help lifting a finger to my still tingling lips as Gabriel tugged me and Ringo down the hall.
I had never experienced a kiss that quite literally left me breathless, and I never thought I’d end up actually attracted to a goblin. But then again, I had never met ahigh goblin. They had a tendency to stay within their Citadel. And now, despite my preservation instincts, I was almost looking forward to a return visit.
The sun was fillingthe sky with the purples and blues of dawn by the time we reached the little goblin settlement near the gates.
My brooding escort aimed his dark eyes at me. “Don’t feed them any more candy. It entices them to accost our guests.”
I hoisted my returned messenger bag with Ringo inside a little more securely. I was starving from the long walk, and anxious to be on my way, but, “Do you really get many guests?”
He glowered. “I imagine you can make it the rest of the way on your own.” He turned away.
“Thank you for the scintillating conversation!” I called after him. I looked down at the little goblin in my bag. “Do you live around here?”
Ringo retreated into my bag until I could only see his ears and eyes. “I live deeperin the forest.”
I glanced back in the direction my escort had gone. I had absolutely no desire to return that way. Why hadn’t he spoken up sooner? I had just assumed he lived in one of the tiny homes. “Do you want me to take you back there…”
He blinked his big round eyes at me. “The trolls are still out there.”
My stomach growled. “Well what do you want me to do?”
He looked up at me pleadingly.
“Oh no, the city is no place for a little guy like you.”
His expression turned even more pathetic.
“I have a werewolf roommate,” I warned. “He might eat you.”
“Trolls will mostcertainlyeat me.”
I looked toward the distant gate, desperately wanting to get the hells out of the Bogs. And I could admit, I had grown attached to the little guy. “Fine, but just for a while. And Mistral better not get mad about this.”