Page 35 of Wicked Little Tricks
“If your mother abandoned you, why are you tryingto find her now?”
I shook my head. “I don’t think so. Your turn.”
With a heavy sigh, he moved to lean against the stone wall beside me, his shoulder nearly brushing mine. He smelled good, like earth and ozone. Something electric. “My father was a warrior, and not from this realm. He died in battle, and my mother brought me here.” He gave me a soft smile. “A very long time ago.”
When he didn’t speak further, I glared at him. “Hey, that’s barely anything.” Then I realized it wasn’t barely anything. “Wait, you weren’t born in this realm? You’ve traveled between realms?” I should have thought of it sooner. Ringo claimed he wasold. Most of the old ones came from other realms.
Mistral leaned his head back, looking up at the stars, draping his long white hair behind his shoulders. “With the help of a great deal of family magic, no longer available to me here.”
“Do you miss it? The place you came from?”
He lowered his eyes to me. “It was a very long time ago.”
Oh no, he wasn’t getting off that easy. “What was it like?” I really couldn’t imagine being fully in another realm. Things were different beyond the barriers, but the city was still just outside.
He leaned a little closer. “Now now, you’re asking for far more than you have given.”
“Fine.” I rolled my eyes then turned my gaze up toward the stars. They twinkled brightly above us, much clearer out here without all the light pollution ofthe city. I was feeling far more comfortable around the high goblin than I should. I knew I couldn’t trust him. He had trapped me into a bargain just like Sebastian. They were the same.
“Why are you so interested in my mother?”
“It’s not often that one has ties to a full celestial. You know that. How can I not be interested?”
“You’re lying.”
“Am I?” There was a playful lilt to his tone. “We can make another bargain if you would like to know the truth.”
I smirked, meeting his gray eyes. “I don’t think so, but you could at least tell me what you know about Lilith and the angelics. You know, just to keep your spy alive.”
He pushed away from the stone wall to face me, leaning close, making my heart catch in my throat. He spoke lowly, “I know nothing of the games played between angelics and devils, dear one. But luck does not bless anyone caught in the middle.”
My throat went tight, my heart pounding at his nearness. “And by anyone, you mean me?”
“It would seem that way.” He leaned even closer. If I wanted to, I could close the space and kiss him. “Why do they want you, Eva?”
I really had no idea, but, “Once you speak the truth, maybe I will too.”
“Is that a new bargain you’re offering?”
My mind raced. I didn’t actually haveanything to hide, but he thought that I did. And Iknewhe was hiding something. If we were both tasked to speak the truth… Had I just outwitted an ancient goblin?
“Yes,” I said boldly. “If you speak the truth, then I will too.”
He smiled, and suddenly I had the feeling that I was missing something, but then his lips pressed against mine and all other thoughts left me.
His magic slammed into me, more forceful than before, but this time, he didn’t quickly end the kiss. His body pressed against mine, his hands circling my waist.
I lifted my hands to his neck, then pushed my fingers back into his hair as heat flowed through me. Magic danced between us, mostly his, but a little bit of mine too, like he was calling it out. Maybe it was like he said, goblins weren’t that far off from celestials. The magic of the sky and air to call the magic of the stars and cosmos.
His hands moved lower to the top of my hips, his upper body leaning me back slightly to deepen the kiss. Magic and emotion flooded through me, too overwhelming.
I broke the kiss with a gasp. Panting, I asked, “What do you know about my mother?”
He gave me a wicked smile, remaining close to my lips as if he might reclaim them. “I said that I would speak the truth, not that I wouldspeak.”
With my arms still around his neck, I leaned back toglare at him. “You just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t lie about anything.”
That infuriating smile again. Pissing me off, even as I wanted to rip his clothes off. His lower body still pressed against me, hinting thatmorewas a possibility.