Page 41 of Wicked Little Tricks
I lowered my chin and gave him a scathing look. “I have shoes other than the muddy boots by the door.”
I went back into the closet, settling on black ankle boots with three inch heels. They would look good with the dress, but I could still run in them. With how things had been going, I was sure I would be doing at least a little bit of running.
Fully ready, I stepped out of the closet and held out my arms. “What now?”
He smiled. “Now we go to the Circus.”
I threw my head back and groaned, “Great, now Braxton is going to want more cotton candy.”
“I most certainly do!” the werewolf in question called out from our living room.
Sebastian extended his arm, gesturing for me to walk out of my bedroom. It seemed it was time to go. Back to the Circus, where it had all begun.
I worea long black coat with the dress, fitted at the waist then flaring out around my hips. Sebastian had raised a brow at the coat, but I had ignored him. He could go to hell. It was a chilly night out, and I wasn’t entirely comfortable in the skimpy dress. I had left Ringo at home, curled up on his bookshelf. He’d had enough action for a lifetime, and my messenger bagreallydidn’t go with this outfit.
We walked past the vendors with their brightly lit stands just as the sun was setting. My stomach growled since I hadn’t eaten after my late first meal with Ringo. I had been too nervous, but now I was regretting it. “Tell me again what we’re doing here?”
Sebastian watched the growing crowd as we walked. “You want information on the pair who tried to kill you, and this is the place to get it.”
I recalled the amusement in the blond angelic’s eyesas he had attempted to send me plummeting to my death. “Can’t you just get the information and give it to me?”
He moved close to me as a gaggle of teenagers went laughing past us. “You are my employee, not the other way around.”
I shut my mouth. I was sure he had something to gain from this, but he was also helping me…I hoped. On the off chance that I might benefit, I could can the arguments, just for a night.
I looked up as we reached the glowing sign of the Circus, and my pulse kicked up a notch. “I’ve never understood gambling,” I muttered.
“I do not care for it either.” Sebastian rested his hand at the small of my back, escorting me inside. He looked downright dapper in slacks, a white button up shirt, and suspenders. We were both dressed to fit in with the gamblers on the ground floor, not in one of the private high roller rooms.
It was a small relief. At least in the crowds, it was easier to run away and hide.
“Are you forgetting how we met? You clearlyunderstandgambling.”
He pulled me a little closer, and with the overwhelming din of conversation, I let him. Even though his slithering magic made my stomach flutter. “I understand thegreedof mortals. And I know how to benefit from it.”
A wraith eyed us from a darkcorner as we stepped inside. It was like stepping into a different world—the conversation, smells, and atmosphere so different from the more lighthearted environment of the streets.
Sebastian guided me past slot machines and dice tables, back to the more serious faces of poker players. Miraculously, there were a few empty seats for us at a table.
Or maybe not so miraculously, considering my company.
With another gesture from Sebastian, I sat between two empty stools. As Sebastian slid onto the stool next to mine, a woman took the seat on my other side. Sparing the woman a bored glance, Sebastian leaned in close to my side. One hand snaked over, gripping the edge of my stool behind me.
“Do you have to sit so close?”
“Trust me, you don’t want to look like you are alone in this place.” With his free hand, he placed several large bills on the table.
I glanced at the others seated around us, my eyes drawn to a blond man watching me with his chin lowered. As soon as I caught a hint of fangs behind his parted lips, I scooted a little closer to Sebastian. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
The dealer, a small woman with jet black hair and pointed ears, gave us each a nod as she exchanged our cash for chips. She lifted her deck, then the cards flew from her fingers with precise, expert efficiency.
I gathered my cards. I understoodthe basics of poker, but I definitely didn’t have the skills to play at the table. I could tell as much just by looking at the others gathered around us. Serious faces, not just drunk and having fun. I suspected the woman who had sat to my right had a bit of goblin blood, just judging by the feel of her magic. The tinge of purple to her skin was also an indicator, but now that I had been around Mistral and Gabriel, the familiar magic was the first thing I noticed.
She glanced at me as she peeked at her cards, then laid them facedown on the table.
Was that a hint of recognition, or was I just being paranoid? She tucked a strand of short silver hair behind an ear just as pointed as our dealer’s.