Page 28 of Deadly Little Games
I stabbed my fork into my pie, leaving it sticking upright. “I really didn’t get the impression that he was trying to manipulate me. I don’t think he’s interested in that sort of thing, or in the game. He’s entirely consumed with his research.”
I had already considered Crispin’s reaction to the kiss. He had seemed more excited about the possibilities for discoverythan anything else. Completely absorbed in his own little world, was Crispin.
“And Princess Millelena?” Mistral continued. “How did she react?”
I glowered, tired of being questioned about it. “Shocked, then hopeful. I really do think her intentions are pure. And she believes the Realm Breaker is a myth. Her interest in me stems from Sebastian’s belief that I can actually find my mother in another realm.”
We all turned at the sound of footsteps, my body suddenly tense since I so rarely witnessed other goblins in Mistral’s estate.
A young man with deep brown hair and green eyes peeked his head in through the open doorway. His eyes widened for a moment as he observed me, then they darted to Mistral. “Forgive me, my Lord, but it’s Evenlee. It’s happening again.”
Mistral’s expression shut down as I looked to him for an explanation. He stood. “You’ll need to stay here, Eva. Please make yourself at home.” He strode toward the doorway.
I stood and grabbed Gabriel’s arm before he could follow Mistral. “I don’t think so. If you guys are involved in all my troubles, I get to be involved in yours. Tell me what’s going on.” I pictured Mistral, barely able to stand, his clothing mud-streaked. I knew this must have something to do with what had happened then.
I dug my fingers into Gabriel’s arm, making it clear that I would not be letting go.
Mistral and Gabriel shared a long look. The messenger seemed like he would rather beanywhereelse.
Finally, Mistral nodded, his eyes still on Gabriel. “Keep her safe.” He turned on his heel, walking out the doorway with the messenger scurrying after him.
“Come,” Gabriel ordered, his expression dark. Any hint of the softness he had shown me earlier was gone. Every inch of him looked like a rugged warrior once more.
I suddenly regretted my decision, but I grabbed Ringo from the chair where he was hiding, then followed Gabriel out into the hall. We went down the stairs like we were headed toward the front entrance, but before we could reach it, Gabriel veered off down another hall.
We went into a bed chamber lit only by a single lantern, the color warm like candlelight, though no flame flickered within. The space was bare bones, just a simple bed, dresser, and a small bookshelf. Was this his bedroom? Compared to where I usually stayed, I would think he would have chosen somewhere nicer.
He reached for something in the shadows leaning near the bed, then stepped back, revealing a sword nearly as tall as I was. He strapped it across his back, the leather-wrapped hilt poking over his shoulder.
My jaw fell open at the sight of the sword. “What exactly are we heading into?”
“It’s just a precaution.” He finally turned to face me, his eyes glinting in the lantern light. “Goblin magic isn’t entirely suited to this realm. Sometimes it gets out of hand. I cannot tell you what we might find.” He eyed me steadily. “It’s not too late for you to stay here.” His eyes lowered. “At the very least, I recommend you leavethatbehind.”
I looked down at Ringo trembling in my hands. “What do you want to do?”
He trembled harder, seeming too afraid to answer.
“He has seen the imbalances before,” Gabriel explained. “Leave him.”
I walked him over to Gabriel’s bed, then set him on a pillow. “I’ll be back for you soon, okay?”
Ringo lifted up the edge of the blanket, then scurried underneath it, forming a small, trembling ball. I followed Gabriel out of the room, shutting the door behind me.
“I didn’t mean for you to leave him with all of my things,” he said lowly.
“He won’t do anything bad!” I left Ringo alone with all ofmythings all the time.
“He is still a goblin, Eva,” Gabriel sighed. “Do not forget that.”
I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant, but didn’t have time to think about it as he hurried me forward. Once we were outside, we headed toward the stables. I didn’t see his horse anywhere, so someone else must have taken care of it since he had never left my sight.
We found his horse in a stall amid other snuffling beasts. Most of them looked mostly horse like, but some had peculiar colors and shapes. I would have loved to observe them more closely, but Gabriel put a hand at the small of my back as he opened his horse’s stall.
His huge horse walked out obediently, not seeming put out to be disturbed again so quickly. Before I could react, Gabriel tossed me onto the horse’s back.
My hands met silky fur and warmth. “Aren’t we forgetting the saddle?”
“No time.” He vaulted up behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me snug against him.