Page 7 of Deadly Little Games
Then the elf king smiled, and the tension was broken. “I can see by your expression my daughter has taken you by surprise. She delights in keeping hervictimsoff kilter.”
She marched up to where he was seated and swatted his arm. “Hush, father. You’ll scare her away.”
He smiled. “Well we wouldn’t want that, now would we?” He turned his attention back to me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Eva Nix. I understand you’ve gotten yourself into a bit of trouble.”
I winced. “Yeah, that’s one way of putting it.” His friend was still eyeing me, making me wonder if I should be bowing or curtsying or something. “I, um—”
“What she means to say,” Elena smoothly interrupted, “is thank you for extending your protection.”
He looked at his daughter adoringly. “As if I had any choice in the matter.” He winked at me. “Not that I wasn’t glad to help. I know dealing with vampires can be… difficult.”
I gave Elena a meaningful look. Just what exactly had she told him?
“I must warn you though,” he continued. “My protection can only extend so far. Elizabeta won’t go against me, but some of her minions might. They are fools, the lot of them, if they actually think they will acquire a device that allows them to realm travel.”
His friend flinched at the mention of realm travel, but the king didn’t seem to notice.
“About that, father,” Elena cut in again. “I was hoping you might grant Eva permission to meet with Crispin. She won’t be safe until her mother is found, and I thought that Crispin might be able to aid her. He knows more about realm travel than any of the rest of us.”
The other elf’s expression soured further, and his cheeks were starting to turn red.
The king studied his daughter. “What exactly are you up to, Millelena?”
Elena glowered at the use of her full name. “I’m just trying to help my friend, father. What can it hurt?”
“Have you forgotten who we are discussing?” He softened his words with a small smile.
Elena lowered her chin, crossed her arms, and stared him down.
The king sighed, slumping in his seat. “Very well. I believe Crispin is in his tower. If he is agreeable, you may seek his advice.”
The blond elf’s eyes looked like they were about to bulge out of his head as the king turned toward me. “But be warned, Eva. Crispin is a lovely lad, but you will do well to not get too caught up in his…fervor.”
Elena hurried around her father and gripped my arm before I could ask what the hells he meant byfervor. “Thank you, father!” She tugged me away.
I caught one last look at the silent elf looking like his head was about to explode, while the king shook with quiet laughter, then Elena pulled us back into the hall and shut the door behind us.
“That was easier than I thought it would be,” she beamed.
I crossed my arms. “Okay, but what did your father mean byfervor?”
She laughed. “Don’t worry about it. Crispin makes some of the older elves uncomfortable, is all. But if anyone can help you, it’s him.” She took my hand then started tugging me back down the hall.
I realized in that moment, just as her father had realized, that resistance was entirely futile.
Elena ledme through a maze of hallways I would never remember on my own until we reached a tower with a spiral staircase. As we went up, I peeked out the occasional window to the greenery beyond. Emerald Heights sure did live up to itsname. It was stunning, all the growth bolstered by elven magic. I could hardly imagine what their homeland, a place where their magic actually flourished, might look like.
We reached the top of the tower and a heavy wooden door.
Elena gave me a reassuring smile, then turned to knock. “Crispin! It’s me. My father agreed to everything!”
The door opened, revealing a tall male elf with tousled blond hair. The honey-colored locks were almost as shining as his pure blue eyes. Stubble lined his jaw, something you didn’t see often amongst the elves. Most of them were fastidious when it came to appearances. He was dressed handsomely in a green shirt partially buttoned and rolled up at the elbows, and tweed pants.
He looked me up and down. “Well, she doesn’t seem all too impressive.”
Elena smacked his arm. “Move so we can come in.”
He obeyed, observing me closely as I walked past him. There was far too much intelligence in those shining blue eyes, and I could already see why the king felt the need to warn me. It was in the way Crispin held himself, and the way his eyes danced with hidden thoughts. Here was a man who could convince you of almost anything.