Page 31 of White Little Lies
I looked at Sebastian, who smiled wickedly, then at Gabriel, who simply nodded. They were all willing to try this. Hells, it was the sole reason we were here.
But I was afraid. This magic was so new to me, and I didn’t fully trust it.
Gabriel gripped my hand against his chest again, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
Meeting his baleful gaze one last time, I closed my eyes. I let the magic flow through us, and I pictured a copse of trees I had seen through one of the palace windows. Somewhere not too far, not too dangerous, and mostly safe from prying eyes. The magic built as soon as I released control. I could feel it flowing between me and the guys. The shift was coming, making me feel lightheaded—
A loud banging behind me made me jump. I looked back at Elena as she came into the room ranting about nobles, my hands lowering from Gabriel and Sebastian in surprise. But it was too late, the shift had already begun.
The next thing I knew, I was falling. Then my body hithardagainst damp soil and green grass. I tried to exhale but it came out as a stifled groan instead. Sunlight warmed my cheeks and made mesquint my eyes as I sat up with another groan, looking around.
Crispin was sprawled in the grass beside me, but just him. Gabriel and Sebastian were nowhere to be seen.
“Shit,” I panted. “Where are we?”
Crispin sat up with a pained expression, rubbing his head. He looked around. “Well the good news is, we are still in Emerald Heights.”
I furrowed my brow. “And the bad news?”
“I have no ideawherein Emerald Heights we are.”
The devil buttonedup his shirt with sharp, irritated movements. “Wait here. I’ll find her.”
I clenched my hands into fists, wanting nothing more than to throw him out the window. “She told me you’re calling card doesn’t work beyond boundaries.” If this blasted devil disappeared on me, leaving me no way to find Eva—
And he did just that, leaving nothing but a cloud of darkness behind.
Elena took a step back as I turned my glare toward her. She lifted her hands. “I’m sorry! I was just coming to complain about the nobility. I didn’t think you would all be jumping realms already!”
“We don’t know that they jumped realms.” Isnatched my T-shirt from the table then tugged it back on.
This had been such a bad idea. I thought if I came here with her, I could watch over her. But I seemed to only get her into more trouble and not less.
I pointed a finger at the elf. “We are going to search for her. You’ll stay with me and make sure no one tries to bar my way.”
Her green eyes were so large I thought they might pop out of her head. “Of course! This is nothing new, I assure you. She usually doesn’t get far. We’ll find her in no time.”
“She was drawing magic from three of us this time.” I strode past her toward the door. I had no gods damned way of finding her, but I had to try.
I flung open the door and walked out, hearing Elena’s harried footsteps behind me as I descended the stairs.
“It’s usually Sebastian who finds her!” she called after me. “His calling card doesn’t work here, but he seems able to sense her. I don’t know how he does it.”
Wretched devil. He had probably been right to go off on his own, but I couldn’t just stand idly by. If she ended up in trouble like she had in the Bogs, she might need me. Of course, when the merrows had pulled her under, she had foundme, and not the other way around. If she hadn’t come to me on her own, she would have died that night.
Instead, she had appeared before me, shivering, herclothing soaking wet. I had wanted to kiss her right then and there, pressing our bodies together, taking what she so willingly gave to Mistral—
I cut off my thoughts as I strode down a long hall lined with windows. I had attempted to locate the merrows after that day, but they knew better than to reveal themselves to me. Once I found them, they were dead.
“Just where do you think you’re going with my daughter?”
I hesitated at the sound of an authoritative voice.
“Crap,” Elena hissed, catching up to my side. “It’s my father. Trust me when I say running would be a bad idea.”