Page 57 of White Little Lies
I slid onto one of the barstools. Elena remainedstanding at my side, smoothing her hands across the bar in a proprietary fashion.
I raised a brow at her. “Miss your old job?”
Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Sometimes. I really wasn’t here for long, but it was nice to be treated like somethingotherthan a princess.”
“Just what did your father think you were doing while you were here?”
She smirked. “He didn’t think anything. I know how to get beyond the gates without him noticing.”
“Yes,” Crispin confirmed, squishing in beside her. “Something he has grilled me on during numerous occasions.”
“And that’s why I’ve never told you how I do it.” She lifted her nose in the air.
Despite everything, and despite where we were, I couldn’t help my smile. Elves were pretty to look at, but I never would have thought I would enjoy their company so much. It almost made me reluctant to achieve our purpose. Once I found my mom and whoever had created the bounty, we wouldn’t all have much of a reason to hang out all the time. It made me sad to think about it.
Not that it would stop me from finding my mother.
Someone finally came out of the back room to tend to the bar, and unfortunately it wasn’t Lilith. I didn’t know her well, but she had known my mom once upon a time. I had a feeling she was quietly rooting for me, and if she knew anything about how to findLucas, or what he had been doing in the Dark District, she would tell me.
The male vampire glided up to the bar, recognition sliding through his eyes upon seeing Elena. “Girl, you are so lucky Ivan is dead. Wouldn’t be smart for you to show your face around here otherwise.” His hair was gelled into dyed black spikes, his eyes a pale blue.
Elena winced. “Yeah, sorry for lying about who I am.”
He laughed, grinning wide enough to show fangs as he tugged at the collar of his black button up. His eyes flicked to Ringo on my shoulder, but he didn’t comment. “Don’t apologize. Things get dull after a few hundred years.” He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Now I can say I worked with an undercover elven princess.” He straightened and returned his voice to a normal volume as he looked at the rest of us. “Who are your friends?”
He must not have been here the night I came with Braxton, or the night I came torescueBraxton.
Elena crooked a finger at him, bringing him closer again so she could whisper in his ear. He was mighty close to her neck, but he behaved himself, his expression giving absolutely nothing away of what she was saying. The older vampires were like that with their expressions. I was surprised more of them didn’t play poker, but maybe gambling lost its appeal after a few centuries.
When he finally pulled away, he looked at each of us, including an extra long look for Gabriel, who hadtaken the barstool on my other side. “The guy you’re looking for has come in a few times asking for Lilith. She’s been avoiding him because she thinks it’s funny.”
Vampires. The humor was probably the most baffling part of their behavior.
“Do you know what he wants with her?” I asked, my own theories already running through my mind. Lilith knew my mom, and that meant she might also know Marcie. Hadshebeen the one to manipulate Lucas, or was she just as much in the dark?
“Not a clue.” He shrugged. “Not a nice guy though. Has an evil glint in his eye.”
“Will Lilith be in tonight?” Elena asked.
“Sure,” the vamp said. “Though not until midnight. You’re going to have to wait a while.”
“Do you need any help behind the bar?” Elena asked, surprising me.
The vamp’s brow lifted. “Of course. Tips were double when you were around.” He walked away to help another customer with a little swish of his slender hips.
We all looked at Elena.
She shrugged. “What? We have to wait anyway, and you have no idea how much people like to talk to bartenders. I may even have the information we need long before Lilith comes in for the night.”
“Bravo, princess.” Crispin shooed her away so he could have enough room to slip onto the barstool where she’d been standing.
I watched Elena walk behind the bar like she owned the place, Sebastian’s card feeling like a heavy weight in my back pocket. Heneverwent a full day without pestering me. Something was definitely wrong. Maybe I could go to him. Maybe I could use Gabriel and Crispin’s power, then just picture Sebastian—but I had no idea where we would end up. Or whereIwould end up. There was no guarantee both guys would come with me.
And… did I really owe Sebastian a rescue? He had rescued me multiple times, sure, but he had ulterior motives. It wasn’tmehe cared about.
My watch buzzed, and I half expected it to be Sebastian, though he had never actually called me. I looked at the screen and saw a number I recognized.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” I told the guys.