Page 62 of White Little Lies
“You want the bounty,” I realized.
Her eyes sparkled at the very mention of it. “Everyone wants the bounty, Eva. But only I will succeed.”
I took a step back, but there was nowhere to go. IfSebastian wasn’t on my side anymore— “I won’t help you find my mother.”
“Aw, that’s cute, but I don’t need your mother. I know who set the bounty. All I need to do is kill him for the blade.” A smile slithered across her face. “And all I need isyouto wield it.”
“Yeah, I’m not going to do that either.”
Her smile disappeared like it had never existed to begin with. “You will, or else my brother will break his contract with the goblin prince. The wild magic of the Bogs will run rampant. It will be rather fun to watch.”
My gut clenched at her words. “You’re lying. That contract can’t just be broken.”
She smiled again. “Oh my brother will lose his magic, of course. But I will make him do it. I would advise you not to test me on this.”
There was finally a flicker of something in Sebastian’s eyes, but I couldn’t understand it. He lowered his chin like he was trying to tell me something.
“I don’t think you can make him do anything,” I said.
She laughed, an abrupt bark of sound that seemed to echo in the stone room. “I can and I will. I tricked him into a contract when he was just a child. He answers tome.”
I looked at him again, but he didn’t confirm or deny it.
“I tire of this.” I had almost forgotten Lucas was standing right behind me, which was bad. He wasexactly the type to stick a knife in your back. He stepped around me, pointing a finger at Penelope. “You ordered me to kill on your behalf.”
She chuckled. “Yes, and I dare say you enjoyed it.”
“But then you ordered me to protecther.”
Penelope glided toward him. He didn’t back up. If it were me, I would’ve backed up. But he stood his ground as she came to stand directly in front of him, having to crane her neck to meet his eyes. “Of course I did. Because with her, I have no need of her mother. I can use Eva to wield the blade.”
“Why do you need me at all?” It probably wasn’t wise to ask, since I had a feeling I was only alive because she found me useful, but I just had to know.
“The Realm Breaker was created by the sacrifice of your ancestors. Only one of your bloodline can wield it. The one who holds the blade now has no intention of giving it up. He just wants someone to find your mother so he can use it.” She turned away from Lucas to approach me, making me regret speaking. “He thinks you’re dead. We all thought you were dead. But here you are.”
I shook my head. “None of this makes any sense.”
Penelope glanced back at Sebastian. “Do you have to explaineverythingto her? How can you stand it?”
One corner of Sebastian’s lips ticked up. “It has indeed been aninterestingexperience.”
While her head was turned, I observed the glowing blue lantern in her hand. I needed tofind some way to get it back to the nymphs to restore their well. Penelope thought she was going to use it to power me up, but I didn’t need it. Lucas had proven that my four guys weren’t the only ones that could give me a charge.
I glanced over at him. His rage had settled, and now his expression was calculating. I would have given a lot to know what he was thinking, because though we greatly disliked each other, we were currently in this thing together.
Only, he wouldn’t care about the well. He only cared about revenge. He couldn’t stand that Penelope had tricked him. And if my mom really had possessed one of his feathers, how had Penelope gotten it?
I realized she was watching me. “You should learn to school your expression, little celestial. Perhaps I’ll even teach you, if there’s time. But for now, you must make your choice. Do as I say, and your goblin prince can continue his little love affair with the Bogs. It will kill him eventually, but if you resist,” she lowered her chin, catching a hint of the blue light from the lantern on her skin, “it will kill him far sooner.”
I looked past her at Sebastian, who gave me a graceful shrug. Did that mean she could really do it? She could force Sebastian to break his contract, therefore losing his magic? I would have thought he would be a lot more upset at the prospect, but then again, he was great at hiding his emotions.
“I’ll think about helping you.” I pointed down at the lantern. “But only if you return that to the nymphs.”
Penelope’s nostrils flared like she was scenting my fear. “You are in no position to bargain, and I went to a great deal of trouble to obtain this.”
“What trick did you put in Fiorus’ contract? What did he miss?” It had to be something for her to so easily steal the magic.
“Oh, it wasn’t him.” She wiggled her shoulders a little and lifted her chin, seeming extremely pleased with herself. “It was those who opposed him. We made a deal that I would lend them the power to move the well. In exchange, I could call in a favor of my choice at any time.”