Page 117 of The Ruse
I frowned and looked down at the book she was pushing toward me, taking it in my hand.
“It’s Bailee’s,” she said.
“What?” My eyebrows knitted together as I looked at the journal then back to Elyse’s face.
“There was a secret compartment in my desk,” she said quickly. “I accidentally pulled the drawer all the way out. And I probably shouldn’t have read it, but I did…and you really should read this, and then probably give it to her parents or the police or something.”
I looked down at the journal again then opened the front cover. My heart stuttered in my chest when I saw Bailee’s name written in her familiar, flowing cursive.
“Does this say where she went?” I asked, adrenaline pumping through my veins.
“Not exactly, but I think it gives enough clues that makes me think she’s still alive and we might be able to find her.”
“Really?” I licked my lips, suddenly feeling all jittery, like I needed to sit down.
This was Bailee’s journal.
Elyse said she’s probably still alive.
I wanted to sit down right there at the bottom of the stairs because I felt like passing out, and also because I wanted to rip the journal open and read everything Bailee had written. But then, my phone chimed with a text from Owen.
Crap.I was already running late before Elyse stopped me. I really needed to go.
I looked at Elyse. “I wish I could stay here and talk to you about this, but I’m going to miss my bus if I don’t run.”
“Of course. You should go.”
I knew I should leave now, but before stepping away, I bent close and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you soon. Maybe we can hang out when you get to Ridgewater.”
“I’d love that,” she said. “But we’ll be going to my mom’s apartment in New York for Christmas. We won’t be in Ridgewater until the twenty-ninth or thirtieth.”
“Really?” I’d somehow assumed they’d be going to Ridgewater after celebrating Winter Solstice with their dad.
“Yeah, we have that ball in New York right after Christmas, and so she thought we should just go straight there.”
So that meant the next time I’d be seeing Elyse was when I had to watch her dance with Nash at the debutante ball…
Had this afternoon really been my last chance to make something happen before she had her magical night with Nash?
Had that kiss been enough?
Probably not.
I should have done more. Done more to show her how much she meant to me. I should have told her how amazing and wonderful and beautiful and special I thought she was. Told her that it was so much more than physical, and even if she never kissed me again, I’d still want to spend all my free time with her because I just loved being around her.
The kiss had been amazing, but there was way more to a relationship than the physical side, and I probably should have led with that instead.
Ugh. Why hadn’t I done more? Why had I waited until literally the last minute to make a move?
My phone started ringing. I knew I really needed to leave, or I was going to miss my bus.
I looked down at the journal again. “Thank you for this.”
She nodded. “Just start from the beginning, and I think you’ll understand what happened.”
“Okay,” I said. “Have fun celebrating the holidays with your family.”
“Thank you.” She bit her lip. “H-have a good break, Asher.”