Page 16 of It Was Always You
"No!" I said.
"Why not?" Noah said at the same time.
"You want to let people think that we're actually dating?"
He shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, it would actually help me out right now."
I pulled my head back, not believing my ears. "How would this help you out?" While it would boost my reputation, being lumped with a lowly sophomore would cause a serious hit to his social status. Not to mention all thegirls who wanted to date him, like Raven, would have to sit on the back burner for a while.
Easton checked the time on his phone then put one hand on mine and Noah's shoulder. "I'm gonna grab some lunch and let you two figure out what you're doing. But just remember, if you don't treat her well in this weird scheme of yours, Iwillhurt you."
"You have nothing to worry about," Noah said.
Once Easton was gone, I stepped closer to Noah and leaned my shoulder against the wall. I still didn’t understand what was happening here.
"So what do you gain from pretending to date me?"
A half smile lifted his lip. "Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm pretty sure Raven has a thing for me. And while I've been trying to get her to take a hint that I'm not interested in her, she's not getting it. If anything, she's been even more persistent since Ashlyn and Luke started dating."
Ahhh. It all made sense now. "And you're still not over Ashlyn?"
He looked away for a moment, as if that fact made him anxious. "I'm not saying that. I'm just not ready to jump into a relationship at the moment. I kind of have a lot going on in my life right now."
I knew he didn't really like his stepdad, and that him and his bio dad didn't get along very well, but what else could Noah have going on that I wouldn't know about?
"So you think pretending that we're dating would help?"
"It would definitely help get Raven off my back. Plus, if you really like that Harrison guy, you could always use this as a way to get him to dump his girlfriend for you."
Okay, now I knew Noah was talking crazy. "How would me dating you accomplish that?" And did I even want that anymore?
"Guys are all the same. We want what we can't have." The way he looked at me when he said that made goosebumps erupt on my arms.
But there was no way he would ever think of me in that way. I was not someone he couldn't have. I was the girl who’d been standing on the sideline for years, just waiting for him to notice her.
I swallowed the lump his gaze had caused to form in my throat. "Okay. But what if my dad finds out? No offense, but you as Easton's friend is one thing. Us dating is another."
"Your dad doesn't need to know. It's not like we'll be actually dating. It’ll only be at school or activities where we’d be seen together. I doubt your dad checks into high school gossip." Noah said it like there was nothing to worry about. And it did sound like a reasonable thought process.
I nodded. "Okay."
"So you're going to help me out?"
I sighed. "I guess. I mean, you kind of did the same thing for me already on Friday. Might as well return the favor."
Noah smiled. "Great. And once we both have what we want, we can just stage a big break-up and go back to normal."
I swallowed, feeling a nervous pit in my stomach at the thought of what we were about to do. "Sure."
This was probably the dumbest thing I'd ever done.
And that was saying something, especially after what I'd already done this morning.
But if it helped me save face, and helped Noah out at the same time, it might just be worth it.
I followed Noah to the double doors that led back into the cafeteria. Before he pushed them open, something occurred to me.