Page 15 of King of Ruin
“I know a guy at a vet clinic. First thing in the morning, I’ll have him come collect them. Promise.”
He’s already leading me out the door, his hand firmly around my waist. “Why? Why would you do that?”
“Maddie, if you hadn’t brought me inside, I’d likely be dead.”
That is another excellent point. For a guy with a head injury, he thinks clearly in a crisis.
He helps me into Vincent’s running car and then closes the door. It takes him a few seconds before he comes around to the driver’s side.
Is he all right to drive? But I don’t have time to ask him before he’s slamming the car into gear and squealing away.
He speeds through the Vegas night. I hear a rustling, like he’s reaching into a pocket, before he speaks. “Call Mason.”
I turn to him, my breath catching. Who is Mason and should I be frightened?
“Roman?” A voice comes through the phone.
“Mason. I need you. Now.”
I’m about to find out.
I speed through the night,my head pounding as I listen to Maddie’s frightened breaths.
Mason might kill me for not ending Vigo. The Vendettis are the kind of enemies you don’t let slip through your fingers. Vigo shot at me just this morning. Vincent again tonight. In our war against the Italians, I could have made a major victory.
But I couldn’t do it. Not in front of Maddie. I’m not scared of death, or of handing it out. My reason for hesitating is a long-game strategy.
I actually need this woman to trust me. Because in this war, the Vendettis pale in comparison to completing that tunnel.
I ignore the fact that she felt amazing in my lap. Or that I went absolutely insane when Vigo put his hands on her.
I don’t do relationships, and certainly not with a woman like Maddie. One who requires extra attention and care.
I’m going to help Maddie now, make her feel warm and safe, because she is the key, and if I’m careful, this whole night could play to my advantage.
Except for the part where I don’t know where Luke is.
That scares the shit out of me.
As soon as I get this car into a safe location, I’m going to search the trunk.
I speed down the dark empty streets, probably doing eighty.
Fortunately for me, I’ve just moved from our previous Kincaid building and my new place is a property that no one in Vegas knows about.
Mason and I are careful to put some of our real estate through shell companies. It keeps our holdings from being known and it helps us in situations like this. I don’t want to be found tonight.
I need to recover and then think. How am I going to deal with Vigo and Vincent? How am I going to use this interaction with Maddie to my advantage?
I’ve still got the phone to my ear and Mason is spitting a slurry of questions, but I can’t talk and drive. My head is buzzing. Slowing down, I fumble with the button and finally hit the speaker function.
And then, I hand the phone to Maddie.
She feels it hit her arm and her fingers fumble to grab the device. “Hello,” she breathes out, her voice trembling with fear. I wince, my fingers brushing down her arm before I grip the wheel again.