Page 22 of King of Ruin
“Yes.” That makes me feel slightly better, despite knowing there was blood. “And Maddie mentioned the other woman, Kate, is in med school, I think.”
That gets both my brother’s attention. “That is good.” Leo’s anger is forgotten. “Really good.”
“Did Maddie like this girl? Is there any chance they exchanged numbers?”
I scrub at my jaw. “It’s possible. But how to find out…”
“Jake can definitely get the information, but we’d need her phone.” Mason’s brows lift.
“Jake just left Vegas.”
“He’s got to come back,” Mason says with a shrug. “This is a situation that requires everyone.”
I figured as much. But I’m delaying answering Mason’s request for Maddie’s phone. She’s so vulnerable being dragged here. Without a phone, she’d be even more so. Completely dependent on me and even more suspicious. Then again, this is Luke’s life. “That’s for sure.”
“The phone, Roman.” Mason directs us back to his request. “Can you discreetly collect it?”
“Why don’t we just ask her for the phone.” Leo scowls at both of us.
“I don’t want her to know who we are yet,” Mason rumbles. “I need time to make a solid plan. If we can get her land, we win. Game fucking over.”
I know he’s right. It’s what I’ve been thinking all night.
“How long do you think you can keep it from her, Roman?” Mason asks, giving me that look that slays me. Like he’s almost, but not quite sure, I’m worthy.
My shoulders tense up. “I don’t know. She’s wondering why Vincent would shoot us to begin with. Why I’m wearing a bulletproof vest. She must already suspect we’re in something dark and dangerous.”
“I say tell her the truth,” Leo holds up a finger. “You were there to look at the land you wanted to buy. You’re a legit businessman, but Vigo is not.”
I frown at my brother. Leo’s gone soft since he got married. Still, the plan holds a certain appeal. If I’m honest, I don’t wantto go at Maddie hard. She deserves my cloak of protection, not more deception.
Then again, Mason has excellent instincts. He’s led us this far. If he thinks that we should keep Maddie in the dark, maybe he’s right.
“I think it’s a long shot she’d give us the phone. She’s already nervous.”
“I agree,” Mason nods. “Right now, you’re the man she rescued, who is now rescuing her back?”
“What did Vigo try to do to her?” Leo asks, his arms crossing over his massive chest.
That makes me shake my head as I remember Vigo hauling her up on his shoulder. I had this moment where instinct took over and every cell in my body was intent upon protecting her. On making Vigo pay for even touching her. “He tried to kidnap her. He specifically mentioned his bed and then paperwork.”
“The Vendettis have the subtly of charging rhinos.” Mason grits between clenched teeth. “But if Vigo mentioned paperwork, it wasn’t an accident he was out with Maddie, he was making a move against us.”
Neither Leo nor I speak. Because Mason is one hundred percent right on this one. No argument required.
“And we can’t discredit the possibility that Maddie might be in league with them.”
Those words hit me like a punch to the chest. Sweet, innocent Maddie? A deep part of me does not want to believe it. But Mason’s instincts are better than mine. And there are a great many coincidences tonight…
“Just give me twenty minutes and I’ll get the phone.” And with that, I turn off the water.
Mason reaches up a hand, to hold me a moment longer. “Gain her trust, Roman.”
Leo scoffs. “You’re never going to get it lying. Even I fucking know that. I know you two are sympatico, but I’m telling you, you’re doing this wrong.”
“He’s been married a week, and now he knows everything about women,” Mason fires back.
I leave them to their argument and start out of the kitchen and down the hall. I’ve already made up my mind.