Page 36 of King of Ruin
What’s more, the cat is curled up on her belly.
Matted and vicious looking, the little devil makes a low noise in the back of his throat the moment he spots me, but he doesn’t get up. Doesn’t retreat.
No. Instead, he narrows his yellow eyes and lets out a hiss.
“So you think you’re the Tom, do you?” I say in response. “I think if you’re going to stay, you need to know, that I’m the alpha around here.”
The hissing turns into a singing growl. He’s definitely telling me to fuck off in cat language. There is no doubt.
I cross over to Maddie and lift my hand to push him off her belly when, quick as a snake, he lifts a paw and rakes his claws over my hand, leaving deep scratches. “Fuck.”
Maddie wakes with a start, her hand settling on the cat, who immediately starts to purr.
Her eyes flutter closed again. “Sorry. I must have fallen asleep. Last night was…”
“I know,” I bend down again, only for the cat’s purring to turn into hissing once again. So that’s how it’s going to be, is it?
Does this cat not like men?
Or can it sense that I’m planning to coerce and betray his loving benefactor?
The cat does notlike Roman.
I hide a smile. Cats can be like that. Selective in their allegiances. But in this case, Roman has opened his home to both of us and I need this kitty to make friends.
Especially because everyone assumed this cat was a boy… It’s not. It’s a girl, and I’m nearly certain she’s pregnant.
There are going to be baby kittens very soon. Not that I’m telling Roman that quite yet. I don’t want him dropping the cat on the nearest corner. Having the cat here makes me feel way more…
At home.
I give Roman a sleepy smile as he holds up two bags. “One for each of my guests.”
“Oh, thank you,” I murmur as I gently move the cat, who does not seem pleased to be shooed off my lap.
“Tom has taken to you, I see.” Roman sets down both bags and opens one.
“The cat,” he answers. “He’s out from under the couch already.”
“The quiet helped,” I say, bending down, the smell of kitty litter hitting my nose as Roman pours it into the litter box.
He slides it on the other side of the couch and then reaches in and pulls out several cans of what I’m sure is cat food, and a bowl.
Tom lets out a loud meow. I give a little laugh.
“How much do I give him?”
“Half a can and one scoop of the dry,” I answer. Lucia has a cat, so I’ve got some points of reference. I’m glad Roman’s completing the task, though. It will help them bond.
Roman fixes the food but before he can even set the bowl on the floor, Tom is up on the counter, eating while Roman still fills the bowl. “Well, I guess keeping cats off the counters…”