Page 92 of King of Ruin
But as a woman from legal, Addison Winters passes me by, I raise a finger. “Addison, I’ll need a place on your calendar tomorrow.”
“Of course, Mr. Kincaid. For what?”
“My resignation.”
“Roman,” Mason spits.
Leo isn’t smiling now as Jake pushes up to his feet. Nia’s eyes are wide as she looks between me and Mason.
Addison scurries out, the doors closing behind her.
“You are not quitting,” Mason starts the moment the doors close.
“That isn’t actually your decision.” I pull Maddie close, brushing a kiss over her forehead a moment before I look back at Josh. He gives me a nod and steps up to pull Maddie back out of the way.
Lucia moves into the position next to me, her hands balled into fists at her sides.
She wasn’t kidding. She plans to be my wingman. Interesting…
But Mason draws my attention again. “Besides being under contract, this is a family business and?—”
“I know what the contract says, Mason. I oversaw its development. My name will remain on the letterhead. But I neither have to attend duties or keep my shares. I can sell them to whoever I choose."
Mason spits a string of curses before banging his hands on the table. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“I told you I was going to marry Maddie. Told you to treat her like family. You. Dared. First.”
I start moving closer, my eyes narrowing. “You told me what you thought about my wants and needs. So there is no reason for me to consider yours.”
“That’s not it, Roman. You weren’t seeing clearly. We need that land.”
“We got the fucking land, Mason. You were pissed you didn’t get it your way. That’s it. And I, for one, am tired of you thinking you can have whatever you want whenever you want it. You don’t get to ruin everyone else’s life for your own benefit.”
“A-fucking-men,” Leo mutters.
“I won’t be your lackey anymore, Mason. I’m done.”
“You’ll do what I say. You’re taking over daily operations when I go back to Colorado?—”
“You should talk to Charlotte about that one.” I know I’m pushing on his most sensitive point. “I don’t think she wants you back in Colorado after what you did.”
“You little fucker,” he snarls and then he’s over the table and rushing at me full speed.
I drop down in a stance, ready for him but he never makes it to me.
Lucia goes low and lunging forward, nails him in the balls.
Mason drops like a sack, pun intended, even as Leo barks out another laugh. “She got him good,” he chortles.
“That was for what you did to my friend,” Lucia huffs. “And just so we’re clear, the shot to the balls you gave her deserved a return hit.”
I smile too, bending down to lean over Mason. “The women love you, big brother.”
Even in his pain, he punches out, hitting my ball sack too.
Pain lances through me, as I hit the ground next to him. “That was for talking to Charlotte.”
I grit my teeth, moaning through the pain. “Your recompense from me for all this shit is still owed.”