Page 9 of My Christmas Biker
I squeezed her shoulder, ignoring Dagger. “Don’t be afraid. Nan’s only a firecracker with the club members.”
She seemed to accept that.
“I’m parked close, but that wind is a bitch,” I warned.
“Then we should just make a run for it.”
Exactly what I thought.
Her hand shot out, reaching for mine. I closed my palm around her glove, surprised she reached for it. I couldn’t remember the last time I held a woman’s hand. Fucked? Got my dick sucked? Sure. Club girls took care of our needs easily enough.
But this? The sweetness of her trust? It felt more intimate than any of the sexual encounters I’d had in years. That was fucking pathetic.
Why? Because I didn’t feel anything for those women. It was a need being met. Transactional almost. They wanted my cock,and I liked the fact that I wasn’t tied down to an ol’ lady, so I could do whatever the fuck I wanted.
I never saw the need to cheat. Don’t be with someone if you don’t want them or are tempted to want another person instead. It wasn’t complicated. Maybe I was just getting older, and all that shit lost its appeal.
My mother understood before I did and spoke from the heart during our phone conversation. For the first time, I wanted to find a woman to settle down with and start a family. Give my ma those grandbabies before she got too old to enjoy them.
“You ready?”
She eyed the vortex of snow blowing outside the airport doors with apprehension. “I think so.”
I charged outside and led Ginger to my truck, trying to shield her from the worst of the storm. She turned her body into mine, and I picked her up as Dagger opened the passenger side door. I settled her in and backed out, letting Dagger block the snow before he slid in and shut the door.
I rushed to the driver’s side and pulled on the handle, throwing my body inside my truck as I yanked the door shut. The three of us shook snow loose as I started the engine.
“Christ,” Dagger muttered. “That wind is fucking brutal.”
“I know,” I agreed.
Ginger shivered and wrapped her arms around her waist. “it’s freezing.”
“Yeah,” Dagger deadpanned. “It’s Denver.”
She smirked. “I’m aware of that, Captain Obvious.”
I grinned as I switched the wipers to the highest setting, used my low beams to cut through the falling snow, and blasted the defrost. “It should heat up fast in here.”
About three minutes later, we all relaxed. Ginger unbuttoned her coat and pushed back her fur-lined hood. Dagger had onlyworn a thermal long-sleeved shirt underneath a dark blue T-shirt and his cut over it. I dressed the same except my shirt was black. Neither of us liked coats. Too bulky. Made it difficult to reach for a weapon if shit went down. We both wore gloves, shitkicker boots, and thick denim.
We could handle the weather.
But the pretty redhead beside me? She was dressed in a long, heavy winter coat lined in white fur with big buttons, gloves, a scarf, and boots.Fucking adorable.
Dagger placed her luggage behind the seat as we got settled.
“Buckle up, Doll. The roads are shit.”
Ginger nodded, following my order. Even Dagger used his seatbelt. I buckled up and placed the truck in drive as we eased forward, noting that although the snow fell in heavy, fat flakes, I still had decent visibility. At least for about three car lengths. Beyond that, not much.
The drive to my mother’s house would take a hell of a lot longer than twenty minutes. Shit. I hoped it wouldn’t upset Ginger. Getting her home in this mess would probably take double the time, if not triple.
“Got bad news for you,” I began, keeping my eyes on the road. “Travel is gonna take a lot longer than I originally thought.”
“I figured,” she sighed. “An hour?”