Page 12 of Forbidden Dreams
“Be here at six,” he says. “I’ll have the papers for you to fill out and you can start at six thirty.” I nod at him. “It’ll be a short night. After that, you will start at five until eleven, or when we close, it could be earlier too.”
“Sounds good,” I confirm and push away from the bar, getting off the stool.
“You didn’t even ask me how much you were getting paid,” he notes, crossing his arms over his chest, and I don’t know why it makes him look a touch scary.
“Does it matter?” I ask. “I’m sure it’s a lot more than zero.” I take a deep breath. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“See you then,” he replies, and I walk out of the bar and practically run to my car, in case he chases me out and tells me it was all a joke.
Once I’m in the car, I take out my phone and call Mr. Mendelson, who answers after half a ring, “Tell me good stuff.”
“Well, I got the job.” I look around and hear him laughing. “Except it’s evenings…” I trail off. “I know I already owe you so much, but I was wondering if maybe I can pay you to babysit?”
“Sweet girl,” he replies, and it immediately brings tears to my eyes, “bring my boy over to me and don’t even think about paying me.” I sniffle, and he knows I’m crying. “Now brush off those tears. I’ll see you tonight.” I look over at the bar door, seeing it being pushed open and then watching Brady walking out and putting a menu board on the sidewalk, announcing their two-for-one. “This is good, sweet girl,” he reminds me. “This is very, very good.”
“Hey.” The door to the back swings open, and Autumn comes into the bar as I step back inside, leaving the doors open to get a nice breeze going.
“Hey,” I reply to her, “you’re late.”
“Yeah, I forgot I had a doctor’s appointment this morning.”
“Everything okay?” I ask, looking down at her stomach.
“Yup, all is good. Baby is growing the way it’s supposed to grow, although the doctor said the baby is a bit bigger than normal.” I stare at her. “Of course it would be with Charlie’s big-ass head.” She shakes her head and sits down on the stool. “What do we need to talk about?”
“I hired Harmony Cartwright,” I inform her, and her mouth literally hangs open. I can’t even believe I’m saying the words. “I know what you’re thinking, but—” I try to brace for her to tell me I’m out of my mind.
“I’m not thinking anything.” She points at her chest. “You were the one who tore up her résumé yesterday,” she reminds me.
I shake my head. “Yeah, well, I had a change of heart,” I mumble, not ready to tell her the change of heart came when I taught her kid to play catch, and she came out trying to pretend she wasn’t crying. “She is going to try waitressing five days a week. I need you to prepare the papers she has to fill out.”
“Okay.” She takes a deep breath. “Do you want me to stay and train her?”
“No,” I snap immediately. “I’ll be fine. Janelle is coming in also, so she can handle it if we get slammed.”
“Sounds good,” she says, trying to hide the smile. “I don’t know what is going on, but I have your back if anything bounces back on us.”
“Good to know.” I try not to think of the ramifications of hiring her. Could the Cartwrights fuck with us? Yes. Would it be the first time? No. Am I ready for another round? Yes, yes, I fucking am. It’s almost as if I want to go to war with them again.
The day passes by quickly with two tours stopping in and then them staying to eat. I see her walk in out of the corner of my eye. Her blond hair hangs loose, and she’s wearing light-blue jeans that should be tight on her but aren’t. The green T-shirt fits her perfectly, the hem of the shirt falling just above the waist of her jeans, showing off a hint of her stomach. She looks around, spotting me, and I give her a chin up before meeting her at the bar. “Hi,” she says, “I came in early so I can start at six.” She smiles at me, and I can tell she’s nervous since her hands are shaking as she tries to hold on to the strap of her purse.
“Follow me,” I urge, motioning with my head to the back closet. I open the door that has Staff written on it. “You can hang your purse in here.” I motion with my hand to one of the empty coat hangers.
“Okay.” She puts her purse on the rack before grabbing her phone and putting it in her back pocket.
“We don’t tolerate phones while working,” I tell her.
“Can I put it behind the bar, then?” she asks. “It’s just in case something happens with Wyatt.”
“Fine,” I cave, “but don’t let me catch you on it.” She nods at me. “Come this way. You can fill the papers out in the back.” I push on the door and step into the back, going to the office. I grab the file on Autumn’s desk and hand it to her. “Fill these out, then meet me out front.” She reaches out her hand and grazes my fingers before she snaps back with the file in her hand.
“Is there, like, an employee break room?” she asks, and I laugh. “Or a table I can fill these out on?”
“There is a desk and a pen.” I point at the desk. “I have to head back out there.”