Page 22 of Forbidden Dreams
“I told him yesterday,” I tell my sister. “I told him to let me tell you.”
“Interesting.” She leans back in her chair, putting her hands on her stomach. Charlie leans over and places his own hand on her baby bump. She glares at him but lets him leave his hand on her stomach. “So what else did you guys share with each other?”
“I’m not answering anything,” Charlie declares. “I’m just going to be here listening.”
“Well then, I’ll talk.” Autumn moves her hand to put over his. “I called Harmony to come into the office today because I forgot to have her fill out a paper.” She looks at Charlie and not at me. “She came in with her face blotchy from crying and?—”
Charlie interrupts her. “She was crying?” He looks over his shoulder at me as if I’m the one who made her cry.
“Fuck you.” My voice fills with anger. “Why the fuck would you think I would make her cry?”
“Just a question.” He turns back to Autumn.
“The Cartwrights are trying to take her boy away from her.” Autumn skips over a couple of parts and gets to the point of the story. “And if that is not bad enough, no lawyer will take her case.” I can see Charlie’s jaw get tight. “Well, no lawyer that she knows, and she called every single one of them. But the last name can either open all the doors or get the door slammed in your face. In her case, it was slammed in her face.”
“That’s why she got served.” Charlie looks over at me. “Classic fucking Cartwrights.”
“Well now.” Autumn doesn’t even wait for me to answer Charlie before she talks. “Brady over here”—she points at me—“offered her up his lawyer.”
“What?” Charlie gasps.
“Yup.” She nods. “And forget the fact that he has no fucking lawyer.”
“I have a lawyer,” I tell her. “I just don’t know if he’s still practicing.”
“Jesus, Brady,” Charlie swears, “this isn’t something to fuck around with.”
“You think I’m fucking around with this?” I stand. “You would think fucking wrong. They want to go after her son. Not because he wants to be a good father but because he hates to fucking lose.” Charlie just stares at me. “Those fucking assholes raised two fucking spoiled-rotten brats who grew up to think they are above the fucking law.” My voice goes higher. “I was with this kid for maybe ten minutes, and I could see he is nothing like them. I also know his father hasn’t seen him in over two months and could fucking care less. So right now, my guess is that Mommy and Daddy Cartwright are frowning at him and letting him know people in town are talking, because they are. You hear it.” I point at him. “I hear it. Fuck, you know they will stop at nothing to make sure they get their claws into him, and I’m not going to let that fucking happen.” I run my hand through my hair. “Over my dead fucking body.” The last part comes out in a hiss.
Charlie glances back at Autumn, and the two of them share a look. “So that’s why you called me over here?”
“Ugh, no.” Autumn rolls her eyes. “Can’t I miss my husband?”
“Um, no,” Charlie says, taking his hand off her stomach and reaching for his phone. I watch him touch a couple of things and then put the phone to his ear. “Hey,” he starts, “need a favor.”
He laughs at whatever the person says. “Can you send me your sister-in-law’s phone number? Sounds good, see you soon.” He hangs up, and his phone beeps with a text, and he hands me the phone. “Here,” he offers, “you need the best, and from what Pops says,” he mentions his grandfather, “she’s the best there is.”
“Do you think she would take the case?” I ask, grabbing his phone.
“Only one way to find out. Call her and tell her the situation. My guess is she’ll love the challenge.”
“What’s her name?” I ask, writing down her number.
He smirks as if he knows more than he should. “Ryleigh Richards.”
I put the baking dish in the oven at the same time the knock comes on the door. I wipe my hands on the dishrag before heading to the door, stopping to check with Wyatt, who is in the living room doing his homework. I look out the window to make sure it’s not Winston before walking to the door and pulling it open. Brady stands there, his back to me, giving me a couple of seconds to take in his broad shoulders and perfect ass. He turns around, and my eyes fly up to his face. “Hi,” he says, “I was going to text you but figured I would come over and tell you.”
“Okay,” I reply, moving to the side, “do you want to come in?” I try not to look at him for longer than I should. I’m embarrassed beyond words when it comes to Brady for so many fucking reasons. The last one is crying in his office.
He steps in, and I motion with my head for him to follow me. “I was just going to have some tea,” I say, and he walks a couple of steps before he stops and spots Wyatt.
“Hey, buddy,” he greets him, his voice warm and strong, “how’re you doing?”
“Good,” Wyatt responds. “Doing homework. Mom says I can only go outside and play after I do my math.”