Page 39 of Forbidden Dreams
And does he ever take his time. Having him lay me down in the middle of his bed as he undresses me, at the same time he kisses me, is the most romantic thing I’ve ever had happen to me. His fingertips trailing along my body drive me crazy. We spend hours touching, biting, kissing, and savoring each other. Wearing another T-shirt of his while tucked into him, I sleep like I’ve never slept before.
I get up before my alarm, making sure I don’t wake him. Which lasts until I hear a soft alarm at five fifteen before seeing him walk into the kitchen. Sleep is in his eyes as he walks around the counter, not saying a word before wrapping his arms around me from the back. Burying his face in my neck, he mumbles, “Good morning.”
“Why are you up?” I ask.
“To make sure you get out okay and keep an eye out,” he states, and my chest contracts. I get dressed, and he’s already placed the box in the truck when I get back downstairs. Delivery is a breeze, and when I walk in, he’s waiting for me. “What time does Wyatt have to be up?” he asks me as he starts making breakfast.
The lump in my throat is there when I see him smile at my son as he tells Wyatt he’s coming with us. When we walk him to the fence together, a couple of the moms look our way while he side-hugs Wyatt and he runs in. “You okay?” He looks over at me as we make our way back to the house. I don’t know how to answer him. I also don’t have a chance to answer him because I spot the police cruiser in my driveway. “What the fuck is that?” Brady hisses, putting the truck in park and jumping out. He doesn’t even wait for me. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he snaps, not even close to them, but the officers both look at us.
“Morning,” one of them greets. “We’re looking for Harmony Cartwright.”
“Why?” Brady questions without me saying a word.
“We have a couple of questions to ask her,” the second one offers, and he looks like he doesn’t want to be here.
“Like?” Brady says, and I can tell he’s going to lose it, so I put my hand on his arm.
“That’s me,” I say.
“I’m Deputy Redmond,” the one who asked for me introduces, “and this is Deputy Montoya.” He motions to the guy looking at Brady, the two of them sharing a look that I have no idea what it means.
“Okay,” I say, not sure what the fuck is going on.
“We would like to ask you some questions,” Deputy Redmond repeats.
“Like?” My heart starts to speed up.
“Mr. Winston Cartwright’s vehicle was vandalized last night,” he says at the same time Brady hisses.
“He said the two of you got into a little tiff a couple of days ago,” Deputy Montoya fills in.
“You could say it was a tiff,” I finally snap, “since he showed up here and put his hands on me.”
Montoya looks at Brady, his jaw going tight. “He suspects that you did it.”
“Well, he’s wrong,” I quickly defend myself.
“Where were you last night?” Deputy Redmond asks me, his beady eyes becoming even more beady.
“She was with me,” Brady cuts in, “all night, didn’t move from my bed.” I gasp. “Now, you want to ask her any more questions, you contact her lawyer.” He slides his hand in mine. “Have a nice day, gentlemen.”
I follow him toward his house, the tears already coming down my cheeks. He lets my hand go when he opens the door and steps in. My head is down as I jump when he slams the door. “Call Ryleigh.”
I turn to look at him, the man who has no reason to put himself out there. The man who has made my son smile more in two days than his father did in seven years. The man who I’m going to miss the most. “There is no need,” I tell him softly. “I’m leaving.”
“I thought I could do it,” I admit, wiping the tears away. “Thought we could be civil and live in the same place, but we can’t.” I shake my head, the defeat running through me. “I’m leaving.”
“You’re not leaving!” he roars, advancing at me, his hands coming up to hold my face.
“I’m—” I start to say, and he just shakes his head.
“You aren’t fucking leaving.” His forehead falls to mine. “I’m not letting you leave me,” he whispers, “not now and not ever.”