Page 53 of Forbidden Dreams
The front door opens, and we both look over and see Harmony walk into the room. “Morning.” She smiles at Wyatt, walking over to him and kissing his cheek while she rubs his back up and down. “Sleep good?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles to her as she walks around the counter to go and wash her hands.
“Have you guys ever ridden horses?” I ask them, and they both look over at me.
“No,” Wyatt replies at the same time as Harmony looks at me, confused by the question.
“A couple of times when I was younger,” she mentions softly. “Why?”
“I was thinking maybe we could go to Charlie’s and get a ride in,” I explain to her, and Wyatt gasps.
“What?” she whispers, and I haven’t forgotten that he has the next four days off.
“I was thinking we head over there after breakfast and take a ride.” I look at her, then at Wyatt, who doesn’t say anything. He just nods. “Get out of the house a bit.”
“Mom, can we?” he asks, and I can tell by his tone and the look in his eyes she’ll say yes, because that’s the type of mother she is. She is going to give everything to her kid, no matter what.
“Are you sure it’ll be okay?” she asks, and I nod, knowing if we show up there, there is no way that Charlie can say no. “Then I guess we can.”
My eyes go to the barn as Brady puts the truck in park and turns it off. Wyatt whips off his seat belt and jumps out of the truck before I get out. “Calm down,” I mutter, but he’s too far gone. He’s been wanting to ride horses since he was four, but his father refused to allow it, telling him it was dirty, and he was above that.
Now here he is with Brady, who put his hand around his shoulder as the two of them walk toward the house. “We should have called before we came,” I mumble behind them as he walks to the door and rings the bell.
“You brought her a cake and muffins,” Brady calls over his shoulder. “She’ll forgive me.”
The door opens, and Autumn stands there in her pj’s and robe. “Oh, look at this.” She opens the screen door.
“Hey,” Brady greets her. “We wanted to ride horses,” he tells her.
She smiles at Wyatt, then looks at him. “Then why are you ringing my door?” She puts her hands on her hips. “You know where the barn is.”
“She brought you a cake and muffins.” Brady points at me with the basket in my hand, and her eyes widen.
“Then let her in here.” She moves out of the way, and I just laugh as I walk into the entryway.
“We won’t keep you,” I say, holding out the basket for her. “I put a couple of things in there.”
She grabs the basket and brings the whole thing to her nose and takes a whiff. “This smells like”—she closes her eyes—“I’m going to eat it all.”
I can’t help but laugh. “Go to the barn and leave me with my cakes.” She holds the basket in her arms and shoos us from the house. “I’ll get lunch for you guys.” I don’t have a chance to tell her she shouldn’t worry about it when the door is shut behind us.
“I think she doesn’t want to share those goodies,” Wyatt whispers to Brady, making us both laugh as we walk toward the red barn.
We walk into the barn, and I look around to see all the stalls, but Emmett is sitting on a dusty desk with a clipboard in his hand. “Well, well, well,” he says, and I look him up and down, seeing him wearing jeans and a plaid button-down shirt, rolled to his elbows. “What do we have here?”
“We want to ride horses!” Wyatt exclaims, making Emmett laugh as he jumps up and down.
“Is that so?” Emmett replies at the same time Charlie comes walking into the barn with a cup of coffee in his hand. “There he is, the big man; he can help you out.”
“Hey,” Charlie says, “I just got kicked out of my house for asking what was in the basket and told to mind my own business.” I roll my lips, trying not to laugh at the expression on his face. “And told to go and take care of her favorite person in the world”—he looks at me—“which is probably you.”
“Mom wants to ride horses,” Wyatt blurts, “and me too.” He puts his hands together now.
“Is that so?” Charlie smiles at him. “Then let’s get her on a horse and you too, of course.”