Page 63 of Forbidden Dreams
I slide my fingers out of her, licking them clean. “I have to go get a condom.”
“I’m on birth control,” she informs me.
“I haven’t been with anyone in over six months,” I assure her. “Got my physical a couple of weeks ago. I’m clean, and I’ve always used protection.”
“I’m okay with it, if you’re okay with it,” she shares, and I pull down my shorts, my cock springing free when she grips it in her hand. My mouth finds hers as our tongues meet, and she rubs my cock up and down her slit before placing it at her entrance. “Make me yours,” she urges softly. My eyes stare into hers as I slip my cock into her an inch at a time. My jaw is tight feeling the wetness and the heat of her, having nothing between us.
We both watch until I’m buried into her to the root. “You’re mine.” I slide my tongue into her mouth, pulling my cock out and then slamming back into her. “Tell me.” I let go of her lips, holding on to her neck as I fuck her on the counter. “Tell me who you belong to.”
She closes her eyes, and I know she’s close. I can feel her pussy choking my dick. “Tell me who you belong to.” I can feel the tightness in my balls. “Tell me,” I hiss.
She opens her eyes, her hands going to my neck to hold on to me. “You, Brady,” she moans, “I belong to you.” She lets go and comes all over my cock. I plant myself all the way into her, and I bury my face in her neck.
“Fuck, baby,” I vow, kissing her neck, “I swear, I’ve never come so hard in my life. I thought my cock was going to explode.” She wraps her arms around me. “I thought it would not stop coming.”
She can’t help but laugh, and she runs her hand into the hair at the nape of my neck. “I think that’s a good thing.”
“It’s better than good, baby,” I declare, slipping out of her. “Let’s go clean up and then we can get something to eat.” I pick her up and put her feet on the floor, and she grabs the T-shirt I wore today and puts it back on.
“Let’s hope none of your other girlfriends show up.” She side-eyes me with the joke, her face serious until she sees the glare on my face and then laughs. “Too soon?”
I slap her ass as she walks beside me. “Too fucking soon,” I tell her as we walk upstairs, laughing. I clean up and so does she. We walk back downstairs, and I put her ass back on the counter as she watches me make her a grilled cheese. I slide into her once more before we fall asleep, and we both sleep naked.
I don’t feel her leave the bed nor do I hear her leave with her deliveries. I only move when she slides back into bed with me. “Hey, baby.” I bring her closer to me. “What time do you have to go?”
“Morning, Brady.” She buries her face in my neck. “Already left and came back.” I open an eye to fight with her, but she is asleep before I can get another word out. I close my eyes and only stir a couple of hours later.
We sleep a couple more hours before I slip out of bed, leaving her still sleeping. I slide on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt before I lean down and kiss her head. “I’ll be back in a bit,” I say. “I’m going to go see my dad.”
“Okay,” she mumbles, turning on her side to fall back asleep.
I get in the truck and make my way over, finding him in the kitchen just pouring his cup of coffee. “What the hell are you doing here so early?” he asks me over his shoulder with a smile on his face. He may be giving me shit, but he is happy I’m here.
“Need to talk to you,” I tell him, and he looks at me.
“Coffee?” he asks, and I nod as he takes a mug down, pouring me a cup. “Did you bring me cake?” I chuckle as I shake my head.
“Asshole,” he grumbles, making me laugh even more. I grab both cups and head outside to the back porch.
He sits down and I do as well, and he just looks at me. “Well?” He puts his hands on the table. Hands that held me up when I was a baby and hands that would hold me up until his last dying breath.
“I’m in love with Harmony,” I confess to him, and I don’t wait for him to say anything. I put my hand up. “I know what you’re going to say.”
“Yeah?” he asks. “What was I going to say?”
“That it’s too fast. That I hardly know her,” I quickly answer him. “That it’s not a good idea.” I pick up my cup. “But I love her, and I love Wyatt, and there is nothing you can say that will change my mind.”
“Son,” he says, “it sounds like you are the one who has those hang-ups and no one else.” I just stare at him with my mouth hanging open. “I’m happy for you,” he states, and I can see his bottom lip tremble. “So fucking happy for you. Afraid that I would die and never see you fall in love. Prayed for this every single night.” He wipes the tears away from his eyes. “For the past couple of weeks, I’ve seen a light in your eyes that wasn’t there before. A look I saw in my own eyes when I met your mother.” He smiles a sad smile. “I’d like to meet her.”
“I can make that happen,” I assure him.
“Then why are you still fucking sitting there?” he asks. “Go get her.” I get up, grabbing the cup of coffee. “And bring me some cake,” he calls, right before I walk out of the house.
When I get home, I hear movement in the kitchen and find her putting away things. She’s wearing black yoga pants and a white T-shirt, her hair piled on top of her head. “Hey,” I say, and she looks up and smiles at me.
“Hey yourself.” She puts away the pan. “Where did you go?”
“Went to see my father,” I remind her. “He wants to meet you,” I say, and she nods. “Now.”