Page 8 of Forbidden Dreams
He goes to the bathroom while I grab his lunch box from the fridge before heading to the front door and waiting for him to come back down. “All ready?” I ask, and he shakes his head.
“I don’t want to go,” he states softly, and I put his bag down at the door before going to him.
“What do you mean, you don’t want to go?” I squat down in front of him. His eyes are down on his shoes as he blinks them furiously, probably to stop himself from crying.
“I’m not going to know anyone,” he says just as softly as he did before.
“Baby.” I grip his hips in my hands. “You are going to make friends.” I try to blink away my own tears, my eyes stinging with dryness. Last year, he was at the private school he’s been at since he was in preschool. But after the year was up, they handed me the paper to register him for the next year. I gave it to my lawyer, who relayed the message that, “The Cartwrights aren’t going to pay for his education if he isn’t living under their son’s roof.” I thought about fighting it, but if they didn’t want to pay for their grandson, and, in turn, Winston didn’t want to pay for his son, there was nothing I could do to change their mind. I also knew there was no fucking way I could afford twelve thousand dollars a year for school. They left me with no choice and, once again, took something away from my son, who is their flesh and blood. Something they don’t give a shit about, apparently.
“You met a couple of them at the park,” I remind him, “and you guys all played soccer and tag.” I knew when he would have to change schools that he would hate it. So during the summer months, I made it a point to go to the parks closest to the school, hoping he would find friends, and luckily for me, he did. “Look at me,” I urge. He looks up at me, his bottom lip quivering. “You are the best kid I know.” I cup his cheek. “Everyone will want to be friends with you. And you know why?” I ask, and he shakes his head softly. “Because you’re the coolest kid I know.”
“What if they don’t?” he asks me the loaded question, the one I don’t think I have the answer to.
“Why don’t we see how day one goes, and then we can brainstorm ideas on how to get friends.” I smile at him. “You are going to do amazing, and it will be the best day ever.” He just nods. “You are so brave,” I remind him, “and I love you with all of my heart.”
He nods as I get up, and we walk out of the house together, with me holding his hand and the other hand holding his lunch box.
I park at the school, getting out and holding the door open for him. He’s quiet, and my stomach is in knots for him as we walk closer to the chain-link fence. He stays next to me until the bell rings, and then the teacher walks over to us. “Time to go in, buddy,” she says with a huge smile, and I smile back at her.
I hug him. “It’s going to be a good day,” I assure him, and now my eyes can’t help but fill up.
“What’s your name?” the teacher asks him.
“Wyatt,” he replies softly.
“Oh good,” she says, “I’m Miss Corinne. I’ll be your teacher.” She holds out her hand for him. “Why don’t we get in there, and you can be my helper?”
He puts his hand in hers as I hand him his lunch box, and I watch, holding on to the fence, as he walks into the school. My hatred for the Cartwrights is higher than I ever thought was possible. They have once again broken his heart, but I’m going to make damn sure I spend the rest of my life making up for them. Making sure he never, ever feels that. I wipe a tear off my cheek, and when the door closes behind him, I walk back to the car, getting in, and putting my head back on the headrest.
“You did this for him,” I remind myself. “You did this so he doesn’t end up like them.”
I start the car and pull out of the parking lot, heading straight to town. I grab the manila folder on the passenger seat and my purse before I get out.
Looking down at my jeans and T-shirt, I wonder if maybe I should have dressed up a bit since I’m handing out my résumé again. It’s to the same places, but I’m hoping this time it’s different.
I start at the end of the road which is at the garage station, walking in and seeing Brock walking out from the garage into the waiting area. With an oily rag in his hand, he looks me up and down. “Can I help you?” he asks, trying not to sound annoyed but failing. He was best friends with Waylon Cartwright, and when the whole accident went down, he chose the Cartwrights’ side. From what I remember hearing, they promised him all the things in the world but failed to actually give them to him, and he lost everything, including the woman he loved.
“Just stopping by to see if maybe you had a chance to look over my résumé?” I ask, trying not to show how nervous I am.
“Told you before, Harmony, I don’t have anything for you,” he says, and I look over at the desk that looks like it’s covered in stuff that needs organizing.
“Even part-time?” I ask, and he shakes his head. I hold my head high and my shoulders back. “Here.” I hand him another résumé. “If anything changes, I’ll take anything,” I say, trying not to sound desperate. He takes the paper from me, probably trying to be kind to my face, but I know it’ll just go in the trash. “Thank you for your time, Brock.”
I turn and walk out of the garage, then head to the diner, where the manager just shakes his head at me, telling me they are overstaffed. I go all along the street until I get to the bar. I think about not going in, but I go in anyway.
I walk in, seeing it’s still empty, which is normal since it’s not even eleven in the morning. I spot him right away behind the bar while a girl pulls the chairs off the tabletops. He does a double take when he sees me. I should probably just walk back out, but if my son has the courage to go into a brand-new school with all new people, I can do this. At least I think I can until I get closer and see his green eyes. “Hi.” I smile, trying to sound chipper. “How are you?”
“Fine,” he says.
“Good, I’m good too.” I swallow down the nerves.
“We aren’t open.” His voice is gruff, and my eyes go down to his chest, remembering seeing him bare-chested this morning. He puts his hands outstretched on the bar beside him.
“That’s okay,” I reply, looking around. “I wasn’t looking to drink this early in the morning.” I make a joke and laugh at it, hoping to crack a smile on his beautiful face. But his jaw just gets tighter, and I see his hand go into a fist. “I was wondering if you’re hiring.”
He stares at me for a second. “Nope,” he states without a second beat.
I nod. “Thought so,” I mumble. “Well, if it’s okay”—I ignore the need to turn and run out of the bar—“I can leave my résumé, and if anything opens up…” I grab a paper from the folder and hold it out for him, not sure he’s even going to take it.