Page 120 of Ransom
Becca chokes out a laugh, and Janey covers her eyes, giggling. Neither seems particularly alarmed.
"I take it they belong to you?"
Becca wipes her eyes and sighs. "Yeah, the big one is mine. I think we better go check on them." She tugs a giggling Janey to her feet. "Just think about it. We're a nosy, interfering bunch, but we're pretty welcoming. And we're a fuck of a lot of fun."
They both wave and slowly make their way down the driveway, arms linked, apparently not too worried about the possibility of their husbands getting skunked. Though to be fair, the guys should be able to outrun the skunk pretty easily. But the little fucker has a reputation around here. He's persistent. Once he's decided you're his enemy, it's just a matter of time before he gets you.
If they hang around long enough, they're going to get skunked.
But they're city people. They're going to climb back in that bus and head back to their lives, forgetting all about this town and the people in it. Or maybe we'll be a footnote in their lives, and they'll tell the story of the time they visited that little town and outsmarted the local wildlife.
Then they'll move on and forget all about us.
Forget all about me.
Am I really going to let that happen? Am I really going to let my second chance get away?
Iburst out of the diner, my feet pounding across the cracked pavement of the town square. My heart races, but not from the running. The thought of my family overwhelming Blair makes my stomach twist. Kade went for a bathroom break way too long ago, and I didn't notice. He could have destroyed everything by now.
Twenty-five years of waiting, dreaming, comparing every woman to her—and now that I finally have a chance, my family could scare her off. I love them, but subtlety isn't exactly their strong suit.
The familiar McKenna's Auto sign comes into view. Kade and Jonas are running down the sidewalk, screaming, something small and furry chasing them. I have to dodge through a pack of seniors as they hurry out of the square. I have a second to wonder why they're running, but I honestly don't care. I have to get to Blair.
My chest tightens as I remember how quickly Blair left the diner when they arrived. That look in her eyes—like a startled deer ready to bolt. I get it. This is all moving so fast. But how do Ipump the brakes when every cell in my body screams that I can't lose her again?
Janey and Becca cross the street from McKenna's and meet me in the square. "Shit," I say, cupping the back of my neck. "You already got to her, didn't you?" Beyond the women's heads, I lock eyes with Blair. Every muscle in my body tenses, ready to chase after her if she runs, but like she read my mind, she shakes her head and leans her back against the wall of the garage.
"We didn't say anything bad," Becca holds up her hands. "Just girl talk." Girl talk? That's fucking terrifying. I don't even want to know what Becca's brand of girl talk involves. My best guess?
Knives and cupcakes.
"Yeah, we were nice." Janey's eyes dart to the side. Maybe they were nice, but there's definitely something else there. Janey’s not much for lying.
I drag my hand down my face. "Listen, I love you both, but I can't let you fuck this up for me. She's not used to us."
"If she can't handle us—" Becca starts.
"Then maybe she's not tough enough," Janey finishes. "You need someone who can stick, Ransom. Not someone who runs at the first sign of friendly interference."
My jaw clenches. "You don't know what you're talking about. Blair's dealing with stuff you can't imagine. She's tough as hell."
"Then tell us," Becca crosses her arms. "Help us understand."
I shake my head. The weight of Maggie's secret sits heavy in my chest. "It's not my story to tell. Just trust me when I say she's got responsibilities that would break most people. And she handles them with more grace than anyone I've ever met."
"But—" Janey starts.
"No buts. I need you both to back off. Give her space. Let her get used to all this at her own pace." I tug them both into my chest, hugging them to me, then press a kiss to the top of theirheads. "Go get your husbands. And trust me to handle this on my own. Please."
"You said please. To me." Becca grins and leans back. "Did that hurt?"
"You have no fucking idea."
She cackles and leans in for a second, hugging me back. "We really didn't say anything bad. In fact, I told her you were a catch." She pulls back and smooths her hand over her ponytail. "And that your rash is nearly cleared up. Byeee!" Then she turns and bolts.