Page 77 of Filthy Dirty Dom
He held the key to their future, and all she could do was enjoy the ride, hoping it didn’t end, but knowing, if it did, she’d have stored up enough memories of their time together to last a lifetime.
When her breathing returned to normal, Leslie shifted in his arms.
“You found rope, but unless someone is kinky here, there's probably not a flogger on this island anyway."
Alex murmured deep in his throat as his hands squeezed the fleshy sides of her ass. "I think I’ve already proven that I can be creative," he said.
She laughed. “You certainly have.”
The next day, Alex and Leslie were in the library again. Alex sat in an armchair, his imposing form hunched over a thick paperback. The sight of him, so engrossed in the book, sparked an affectionate warmth within her. Yet as she sat in the armchair opposite him, her mind inevitably strayed back to yesterday’s encounter in this very room, when she’d read him erotic passages before they’d been interrupted by Bella.
Leslie tried focusing on her book for a few minutes but her mind played out memories of all the things Alex had done to her. Last night had been more intense than anything she could have imagined. Was it possible anything that happened between them now could top it?
Her gaze swept to the bookcase, to the spot where she’d returned the romance she’d read to Alex. Suddenly, Alex cleared his throat.
He was watching her, his eyes, dark and intense, a knowing grin curving his lips.
"Thinking about our little reading session yesterday?" he drawled, his voice dipped in sinful amusement.
Leslie felt a flush creep up her neck, her pulse fluttering. Gathering her wits, she retorted, "Don't be so cocky. You wouldn't want someone to walk in on you again with a... problematic situation."
"That's not funny. You've never had to worry about hiding an erection from a teenage girl."
Their banter sparked a playful idea in Leslie's mind. "So, Mr. Stoic Security, any other awkward moments where you had to hide your excitement in public?"
Alex sighed dramatically, running a hand through his hair, but his eyes sparkled with mirth. "You really want to have this conversation?"
“How about you start?”
“Oh, that’s easy.” Leslie confessed her embarrassment when an erotica audiobook she had been privately enjoying in a crowded subway suddenly blared through her phone's speaker when her earphones got unplugged.
Alex laughed then said, “Remember that Seinfeld episode where George’s mom walked in on him…when he was…you know…”
Her eyes widened. “No!”
Alex nodded. “Yes. I thought I’d die from sheer embarrassment. She just closed the door and told me dinner would be waiting when I was done.”
Leslie shook her head as she laughed, then said. “You must miss her.”
Alex nodded. “Every day. But she was the best. Lee and I were lucky to have her as long as we did.”
Alex’s father had abandoned them when they were young. His mom had raised them as a single mother until she’d had a stroke several years ago.
“I’m glad I got to meet your mom at your college graduation.”
“Me, too. She loved you.”
She smiled at that. “I wish I could have—"
Someone knocked on the open door and they both looked up to see Bella. Leslie grinned then shot Alex a pointed look.
“Mr. Alex, my grandmother said to give you this.” The girl held out a cell phone. “It’s my Uncle Luca.”
Alex’s brows lifted in surprise. “Thank you, Bella.” He rose, took the phone from her, then said to Leslie, “I’m just going into the hallway. I’ll keep an eye on the door the whole time. Are you good?”
Leslie smiled. “Of course.”