Page 22 of Absolution
“And you have spoken to your daughter.” He knew that much for sure, having been observing them. “But Ella and I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to meet you as well.”
“I’ve barely even wrapped my head around what’s happened to Ella, Mr. Bowman.” Susie pulled in a breath. “The last thing I need is you in the mix!”
“Mum.” Ella barked. “That’s enough. We’re here to talk, so please stop being so rude.”
“Rude?” Susie looked utterly stunned at her daughter’s criticism. “Ella, I’m just looking after you.”
“Thank you.” Ella sighed. “I love you, you know that, but I’m not your baby anymore.”
A tense hush settled between them as Susie processed Ella’s words. Tucker squeezed his little girl’s hand, hoping the small act would give her strength during the silence.
“So, what are you saying?” There was a trace of petulance in Susie’s voice. He recognized it from Ella’s occasional outbursts. “It’s him or me, and you’re choosing him?”
“Mum!” Exasperation radiated from Ella. “I never mentioned an ultimatum. I’mnotchoosing between you.”
“But that’s what you mean, isn’t it?” Blinking back tears, Susie’s fingers stiffened around her flute.
“No, Ms. Bradshaw.” Tucker had listened for long enough. “Ella’s missed you. She’s frantic to have you back in her life, and I support her in that wholeheartedly.”
“So,youspeak for her now?” Susie’s jaw tightened.
“I can’t believe you’re being like this, Mum.” Ella stole her hand away and leaned forward on the table. “We only want to talk. Tucker’s being reasonable. Why can’t you?”
“Fine.” Susie folded her arms across her chest and heaved in a breath. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Your beautiful daughter.” Tucker smiled as he met Ella’s gaze. “And what we can do to help her be happy.”
“You’re old enough to be her father.” Susie’s breaths sped up as her gaze narrowed. “You know that, don’t you?”
“Mother!” Ella smashed her fist down on the table. “That’s enough!”
“It’s the truth!” Susie flustered as she turned to her daughter. “He’s too old for you, sweetie. I’m not afraid to be honest with you.”
“Ella is well aware of my age, Ms. Bradshaw,” Tucker persisted. “We’ve both tried to be as open with each other as possible.”
“Very laudable, I’m sure,” Susie muttered.
“I’d like you to get to know Tucker, Mum.” Ella shook her head, pulling in air as though she was running out of patience. “But if you’re not interested, then we’re wasting our time.” She placed her napkin on the table and rose to her feet.
“Ella.” Panic rebounded in Susie’s tone. “Don’t go!”
“I think this has all been a shock for your mother, Ella.” Tucker’s voice was soothing. “Why don’t we give her a chance to process what you’ve told her.”
Ella’s almond, green eyes speared him. “I’m not interested in her rudeness.”
Meeting her gaze, there was a moment of stillness where only the beating of his heart interrupted the intensity of their stares. In those protracted seconds, he wondered if she could read the meaning of his look.
Watch your tone, little girl.
“I’m sorry if I was rude.” Susie let out a breath, her arms falling to her sides. “Do stay, sweetie. I’d like to work this out with you and Tucker.”
Susie’s attention flitted to him, and if he wasn’t mistaken, he thought he saw gratitude in her eyes.
“Okay.” Ella fell back to her chair. “Let’s talk.”