Page 45 of Absolution
The truth was that Tucker hadn’t given the four million a single thought since they’d fled from the forest. He was a fortunate man who didn’t need to worry about money. Having Ella there with him was the greatest wealth he’d ever experienced. No amount of money came close to replicating it.
“He still owes me the money,” he answered at length. “But I haven’t been thinking about that. We don’t need the money, little girl.”
“That’s good.”
She fidgeted again, and fleetingly, he wondered how much her ass hurt after her spanking. He hadn’t held back when he’d hoisted her over his lap, but then, she’d deserved it. He wouldn’t abide her treachery, even if her motivations had been honorable.
“Because I don’t want to be the cause of a big, black hole in your finances.”
“Sweetheart.” He chuckled as his hand rose to her nape and held her gently. “You are worth so much more than any amount of money, but believe me, there’s no shortage of cash or other assets. I have more than enough for both of us.”
“Thank you.” She smiled as she glanced at her lap. “But that’syourmoney. I don’t feel right spending it.”
“Not mine.” He squeezed her neck gently. “Ours.”
He’d never been more serious in his life. Tucker had spent his life accumulating financial assets he’d hardly used, but he’d never had anyone to share them with until her. The limited time they’d spent, though, had given him a taste of what a life with Ella would mean, and those pleasures were things that money couldn’t buy. He realized he’d gladly share his assets with her to live that life.
She shrugged. “But I haven’t done anything to earn it.”
“And I have?” He laughed at her naivety. “Do you know how much passive income I make a week, little girl? Real wealth isn’t earned at all. It’s a savvy expansion of existing assets.”
Her brow rose as if she hadn’t contemplated the idea until that moment. Clearly, money had always been availableto Ella, but she’d never given much thought to how it was made. She was young, though, and he had to remember that. She still had years to learn, and he’d be happy to mentor her.
“How much?”
“A lot.” He grinned as her shocked expression morphed into an excited smile. “More than you could spend, little girl.”
“But I’m averygood spender, sir.” She wriggled her nose at him mischievously.
“Oh, I bet.” He’d never been so enthused about anyone spending his cash before. “But I promise I can keep that total topped up for you.”
“This isn’t about your money, sir.” She motioned between them. “I want you to know that. I’ve never been short of cash, and I guess I could always get a job if I—”
“I mean it,” he reiterated, cutting her off. “The money is only a means to an end, and I have an abundance of it, Ella. I’d gladly write off the four million Bennett owes to have you here.”
She paused at that, inspiring a comfortable silence before she spoke.
“That means more than you know.” She sniffed back tears as she leaned into his body. “Apart from Mum, I’ve never really known anyone to care for me more than money.” She shook her head at the tragic realization.
“Not anymore.” His free hand reached for hers. “Now you have someone who’s fucking crazy about you. Sure, we have the money, but this thing between us is about so much more than that.”
“I guess that’s why I love you.” She peered up at him from under her damp lashes.
“What was that?” His heart skipped a beat as he stared at her.
Had she just told him she loved him?
His racing pulse told him she had, but he needed to be sure. He needed to hear her say the words again.
“I said, I love you.” She pressed her smaller hand over his, encasing him with her warmth. “I’ve wanted to tell you so many times, sir, but between all the palaver we’ve experienced and my endless punishments, I haven’t found the moment until now.” She laughed, her smile widening as she met his gaze.
“I can’t believe it, Ella.” He chuckled at how she’d expressed the timing, but he couldn’t argue. In the short time they’d known each other, they’d been through more than most couples endured in decades. “If you love me, I must be the luckiest son-of-a-bitch in the world.”
“Well, I do, sir.” She leaned closer. “I love you, but based on what you’ve told me, I don’t think your mum was a bitch.”
“No.” He grazed his lips over hers, hungrier than ever to devour her. “You’re right. She wasn’t.”
Emotional fireworks were going off in his head. How had he ever found any joy in his life before she was in it, murmuring her soft words? Before her cuddles and smart mouth had lit up his world? He must have been mad to think he’d known happiness. The life he’d lived before was dull by comparison.