Page 9 of Absolution
“Thank you, Ella.”
He closed the distance between them with one step, his mouth descending to bestow the punishing kiss they both desired. She sagged at the caress, pinned between his hard body and the edge of the marble kitchen island behind her. By the time he released her, any nervous energy about what he might prescribe had all but evaporated.
There was only Tucker and her willingness to obey and please him. Only the swirl of their passion and its insistence that whatever he contrived, she would endure—for him.
“I’ve changed my mind, little girl.”
“Oh?” Flushed from the kiss, her head spun as she met his eyes. “How’s that, sir?”
“I’m hungry, so let’s incorporate your punishment into breakfast.” He signaled to the stove.
“O-kay.” She strung the word into two long syllables, uncertain what the latest edict meant. “Shall I cook for you then, sir?”
“Yes,” he commanded. “You’ll cook for me naked and serve me at the dining table.” His grin revealed his near-perfect teeth as he motioned toward the long table where they sometimes ate their evening meal.
“I can do that.” Her pebbling nipples beneath her robe confirmed that she actually rather liked the idea. If that wasto be the extent of her punishment, then she might consider coming without his consent more often.
“Good.” He moved from his place and took a stool at the marble island. “It’ll be nice to be waited on for a change.”
Tugging at the belt around her waist, she shrugged her robe to the ground before collecting the eggs, bread, and other items they’d need for breakfast. Her stomach growled as she prepared the eggs, reminding her that she also liked the sound of the meal.
“You’re definitely the best-looking chef I’ve ever seen.” He sniggered as he lifted his coffee cup to his lips.
“Why, thank you, sir.” She risked a glance in his direction as she dropped the sliced bread into the toaster. “I hope you’ll enjoy the food as much as the view.”
“I think I will.” He peered at her over the rim of his white cup, her heart accelerating at the knowing glint in his blue eyes.
Ella hoped that the dark gleam was only a reflection of how much he relished the look of her, but he was still Tucker Bowman, and she never really knew what was on his mind until she heard it directly from those tempting lips.
She pushed the nagging thought from her mind and returned her focus to the meal. Scrambling eggs wasn’t exactly complicated, but the last thing she wanted to do was ruin them because of her lack of concentration. If this was truly her penalty, then she wanted it to be the best goddamn eggs he’d ever tasted.
“Don’t forget to set the table.” Placing the cup down, his focus flitted to the dining table behind him.
“Of course, sir.”
She removed the pan of eggs from the heat and hurried past him to the cutlery drawer. Finding the necessary knives and forks, she raced to the table and set the places they usually ate at.
“We’ll only need one place, little girl.”
She stilled at his mocking tone, turning back to see his smirk.
“What do you mean, sir?” The butterflies in her tummy fluttered excitedly at his haughty expression. Whatever came next, she had the sense it was her real punishment.
“I’ve made enough eggs for two of us.”And I’m hungry.She held back the final line but reckoned it was there in her tone.
“That’s fine.” Tucker hardly seemed able to suppress his amusement. “We’re both eating, but onlyI’meating at the table.”
Oh God… Her breath hitched as she processed what he meant.
“Then…” She was almost afraid to ask. “Where do I eat, sir?”
“At my feet.” He wasn’t even trying to hide his grin that time. “Where you belong.”
“What?” She wasn’t sure if she’d said the word out loud or if it had just echoed in her head.
“You heard me.” His curt tone told her that she must have spoken after all. “Plate up your eggs and toast and place them on the floor by my chair.”
“You want me to eat from the floor, sir?” Her voice sounded distant, but even as she sought clarification, she was aware of the thrum at her clit.