Page 11 of His Dark Pact
Chapter Four
“Ihope you like thedress.” She didn’t normally chase men for compliments—hell, aside from her sons, she hardly knew any men—but then the men she did know didn’t usually ask her to places like Worthington’s. “I know you asked for something special, but I don’t have the largest selection to choose from.”
She watched briefly as Robert strode away with her jacket, revealing her uninspiring black choice for the evening, and instantly regretted bringing it to Kyle’s attention. He signaled for her to take the seat opposite before seating himself. She squirmed as he took his time with his verdict. After several long seconds where his concentration crawled over every inch of her body, he finally broke the silence.
“I suspect you have the ability to make anything special, Amy.” His blue eyes shone as she settled in her chair. “You look ravishing.”
She gulped, abruptly aware of how dry her throat had become. “Well, th-thanks.”
Clearly, he was only being kind. There was no way she looked ravishing. She wasn’t even certain that she’deverlooked ravishing. The best she’d hoped for was a ‘you look lovely’ comment, but his compliment had genuinely stunned her.
“It’s true.” He chuckled, evidently noticing her disbelief. “You’re beautiful, yet I don’t think you have any idea how wonderful you are. Who knew Graham had captured such a delightful wife.”
“Yes, well...” She wouldn’t really have described her and Graham’s courtship as her being ‘captured.’ More like they’d stumbled into one another, and neither of them had any impetus to look elsewhere. Her marriage had been stable but not exciting. “Thank you again.”
“Let’s order champagne.” He grinned as he signaled for a nearby server to attend them. “I’m in the mood to celebrate.”
“Champagne?” Amy couldn’t recall ever having tried the wine, let alone exulting with it. “What are we celebrating?”
“Our meeting.” Determination echoed in his tone. “And, you agreeing to let me bring you here, although you reallyshouldhave told me you were walking. I would have arranged a car if you didn’t want me to collect you.”
Not this again.
She fidgeted on her seat as he gave the order for the most expensive bottle of champagne the restaurant had, unsure how she felt about his disapproval. Her instinct was to push back with defiance, but oddly, his chiding was affecting her in perplexing ways. Heat had pooled at the apex of her thighs, spiraling to the tiny nub at her sex that inspired pleasure. It had been a long time since she’d made time for any sexual gratification, and she couldn’t understand why his admonishment had inspired its potential.
“I really don’t mind walking,” she assured him as soon as the server had retreated. She pressed her thighs together, trying to understand her body’s bizarre response to Kyle’s criticism.
“Hmmm.” He sounded unconvinced by her defense, although why she required one, she still wasn’t sure. “I’d like you to be safe, Amy.”
“Why?” The question burst from her lips. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate your concerns and all of this...” She motioned around at the restaurant. “But what does my safety have to do with you?”
“I’m just trying to do the right thing.” His lips tugged upward. “The stats around violence against women are scary.”
He was right about that. Amy had known enough girlfriends who’d suffered at the hands of their male partners. It seemed as though the occasional ‘bad apple’ had grown into a forest of cruel trees.
“That’s fair.” She pressed her palm onto the cool table linen. “It’s just that your interest is a little perturbing.”
“Perturbing.” He smirked. “I admit, I’m an intense kinda guy.”
“Yes.” She sensed some of the tension easing from her shoulders at his explanation. The fact he’d acknowledged the personality trait was pleasing, and she didn’t have a problem with intensity. In fact, she was starting to think she quite liked it. “I see that.”