Page 16 of His Dark Pact
“Please.” The hand on her knee rose to guide the water to her mouth. “I meant what I said about taking care of you.”
Dumbly, she complied, not resisting as he tipped the remaining contents of the glass past her lips.
“Thank you.” He took the glass from her shaky hand, placing it down by his feet. “Now, about the money. Tell me how much you need.”
How much she needed?
Her brow furrowed, and for the first time since she’d dissolved on the restaurant floor, she forgot how she must have looked and turned to face him.
“Because I want to help you.” His smile was sympathetic enough, but there was something about the glint in his deep blue eyes that elevated her pulse even faster.
“Why would you do that?” It was the second time she’d asked the question that night, but still she wasn’t clear on the answer. Was Kyle really just a ‘good guy’ trying to do the right thing, or was there an ulterior motive she was yet to uncover? “I’m not a charity, Mr. Kyle and despite my financial situation, I’ve always worked hard for what I’ve had.”
“I in no way intended to imply you were a charity.” That same hand neared to stroke her hair from her face.
The gesture should have been aggravating—an encroachment of her personal space—but for some reason, she allowed it, watching its approach and oddly grateful for the outcome. Hot and flushed, her face was no doubt hideous enough without having half of her hair stuck to it.
“I’m not talking aboutgivingyou money, Amy.”
“Oh.” What was that? A pang of disappointment in her voice? She bit down on the noise. The last thing she should be was disappointed. Hadn’t she just been offended by even the idea of him gifting her the money? “Then, why ask? Why say you could help?”
“Because Icanhelp.” He made everything sound so simple, as if the world was full of rich philanthropists just running around bailing out average people. “I want to make you an offer, Amy.”
“What kind of offer?” She stared into those deep pools of his eyes, wondering what on Earth a woman like her could offer a man like William Kyle. As though hypnotized by his gaze, she waited, leaning closer when he finally relented with an answer.
“I have a position which I think will suit you perfectly.”
Chapter Six
The Offer
“WHAT POSITION?” AMYwas still, but inside, she reeled.