Page 41 of His Dark Pact
“Yes. I’ve thought of little else since we met.” He leaned closer, his expensive shirt crushing her aching nipples against the fabric as his lips skimmed over her mouth. “I know attraction when I feel it, Amy, and you and I... we have it.”
Oh God.
She held her breath at the enticing caress, not daring to hope for what might come next. Flashes of the two of them entwined in erotic embraces erupted in her mind, making it difficult to stay on her feet. As her head tipped backward, she wondered if it wasn’t only his hand holding her in place.
“Mr. Kyle.”
It seemed ridiculous not to use his first name in a moment of such heightened intimacy, but perversely, she acknowledged how referring to him formally seemed more natural than ever. She liked it. There was no denying that anymore. She approved of his dominance.
“It’s all right.” His thumb continued its consoling circles. “We’re both adults. It’s okay to admit our fascination with each other.”
A million times, yes.
She yearned for his tongue to slide into her warmth and imitate the things she craved from his cock. She wanted to switch off the warning lights in her head and just surrender to the unbridled sense of passion he ignited. She wanted all of it, and she wanted it then and there.
“That’s good.” He offered her forehead a chaste kiss as he drew away, and without the warmth of his hand, the spell she’d longed to bewitch her was broken.
Naturally, she still yearned for him—still swooned at the intensity of his eyes and the more than desirable body she swore he was hiding under that suit—but the irrefutable sense of need had waned.
“Sit down, Amy, and eat.” He gestured to her food before he turned and sank onto his seat.
“What?” Her focus darted between him and the food. How could he be thinking about their main course after the electricity they’d just created?
“Your food.” He reached for his wine. “It will be cold.”
“But what about us...”
Hadn’t he just been there with her, caressing her skin as he confirmed the chemistry between them?
“There is nous.” He chuckled. “I was merely articulating the magnetism in the room. I know we both feel it.”
Yes, she felt it. Much like the current and growing urge she felt to throttle him as she staggered to her chair.
How dare you?
She hoped her glare carried the recrimination as she settled into her place, painfully aware of how her top half was now on display for his so-called pleasure.
“And yes, I’m prepared to exploit the contract to enjoy you.” He lifted his glass in a twisted attempt at a toast. “If that makes me a son-of-a-bitch, then so be it.”
That was one word for it, although many others bubbled to the fore of Amy’s consciousness.
“You’re working for me now,” he went on, sipping at his wine. “And that means if I want you topless, then you’ll strip to the waist and smile while you obey.”
“So, you’re saying you’ll subject me to anything you want, but you won’t take me to bed,sir?” She hissed the final word to try to release the resentment swimming in her system.
Kyle had fired her up and now appeared content to eat his cold duck while she sat there exposed and mortified.
“Take you to bed?” His tone was mocking. “Is that what you want me to do?”
“I...” What was that supposed to mean? “I had thought about it, yes.”
“I have better places to take you than bed, Amy.” He placed down his glass and sliced into his duck.
Then why wasn’t he taking her there?
She suppressed the query, sensing she might not want to know the answer. Why wasn’t she just dressing and getting out of there?