Page 57 of His Dark Pact
Chapter Eighteen
“IDON’T KNOW WHAT TOsay.” Her heart was pounding so fast, she thought she might vomit.
“There’s nothing to say.” He dropped the gag onto the leather seat of the sofa. “You’re going to do as you’re told, aren’t you, Amy?”
“Yes, s-sir.” Her attention darted from the gag to his face. Why had he dropped the thing if he was so hellbent on her wearing it?
“That’s right.” The hand at her face lowered, skimming her collarbone. “Because you’re going to be the best housekeeper I’ve ever had. You told me so yourself.”
“I did say that.” She sounded distant, as though he’d mesmerized her.
“Yes, you did.” His large hand brushed over her goosing skin to stroke her pebbling nipple. “And I already know you’re going to make me proud and earn that bonus.”
Her eyes widened at the thought of the money. In the myriad of the intensity Kyle brought, she’d almost forgotten her motivation for being there.
“I’ll wear the gag, sir.”
Her pulse accelerated as she blurted out the admission, though she still couldn’t fathom her thinking. As ridiculous as it was, shewantedto make him proud, and in that instant, enduring the trial was more about pleasing him than even taking the cash and paying her bills.
“Yes, you will.” His unsettlingly calm tone continued. “And you’ll take your spanking as well.”
“Sorry?” Had he just said he’d spank her?
“You’re going to turn around, lean over the end of the couch,”—he signaled to the enormous settee behind her—“and lift the back of your skirt.”
Surely, he couldn’t mean what he said? Sure, he’d only just suggested he gag her for talking while she worked, but actually inflicting pain? That was a step too far!
“You said you wouldn’t hurt me, sir.” Dazed, she perched on the arm of the sofa.
“I said I wouldn’t harm you,” he quibbled, as though there was any difference between the two words. “Ten hard spanks with my palm won’t be enough to cause you any harm, Amy.”
Paralyzed by the image he’d provided, it took her a moment to reply.
He wants to spank me.
She glanced down at the aforementioned palm, imagining how that might feel. “But it’ll hurt?”
“A little,” he ceded. “And that’s the point, little girl. The contract implied your obedience, and a little pain will keep you faithful to that vow.”
Gazing up at his eyes, she thought to argue. To tell him the word ‘obedience’ hadn’t even been mentioned in the contract and that pain was the least effective way of encouraging people, but the words never came. Instead, she was empowered by what she found there—the sense of their strengthening connection and a perturbing notion that, in that headspace, he might be able to sweet talk her into just about anything.
“I don’t want to be spanked, sir.” She swallowed, hardly believing it had to be said, and simultaneously, regretting her choice to tell him.
“I know.” His free hand rose to hold the back of her neck, his fingers stroking her skin as his soft voice coaxed her. “But I know you’ll turn around for me, regardless, Amy.”
“I-I don’t know what’s going on here.” In a matter of half an hour, he’d morphed from the severe headmaster guise to the smooth-talking leading man who’d been able to cajole her to that point with way too little resistance.
“The same thing that was going on last night.” He leaned toward her, teasing her with the one caress she shouldn’t want—the feel of his mouth on hers. “When you let me bind you and you rode us both to heaven.”
Even a couple of days ago, Amy would never have dreamed of behaving that way on her own, let alone with a man who was almost a stranger and had recently become her boss.
What’s happened to me?