Page 67 of His Dark Pact
Chapter Twenty-One
AMY HAD NEVER BEENa religious woman. She’d found no evidence of, nor comfort from, any god after Graham’s passing. Neither had she sought solace in any church. But diving through the ether and backflipping in bliss, she could only think how wrong she must have been. There had to be divine intelligence in the world, didn’t there? There had to be beings more powerful than she. How else could she be flying so freely in the heavens?
How else could she feel like this?
Kyle shifting beneath her changed nothing about the ecstatic elevation nor the dizzying view.
She vaguely acknowledged the loss of him between her legs as his soft voice goaded, but she couldn’t bring her eyes to open. She wasn’t ready to let the enjoyment go. Not yet. Not ever.
“I have to move, little girl.” There was no anger in his tone. If anything, he sounded charmed by her comatose response.
She really didn’t want to move. More than content with their combined heat and the insistent splashing water against her body, she’d have happily stayed there for an eternity, but she didn’t resist when he lifted her from him. It was only when he placed her onto something flat and hard that she finally persuaded her weary lids to flicker open.
“There you are.” Stretching his body beside her like a Greek god, he smiled.
She glanced around to find herself on one of the plastic seats encased in the hot tub. The water had risen to cover her breasts, and she was sitting just across from the place he’d fucked her into rapture. The view, though, was wonderfully disturbed by Kyle’s nakedness.
Her gaze scanned over his delicious hard lines, lingering on his still semi-erect manhood. He’d been magnificent inside her, just as his hands had been unbelievable on and over her body. She wanted him—even then—in her post-climatic bliss. She still craved him.
“I didn’t mean to disturb you.” He crouched in the middle of the jacuzzi and stroked her shin. “I just needed to stretch.”
“Thatwas astonishing, sir.” Her voice was hoarse.
“Do you feel suitably rewarded?” His blue gaze pierced her.
“Well...” She sucked her lower lip between her teeth, determined to revel in her one moment of leverage. “Rewarded for what, sir? Being exposed while I worked, dusting while I was gagged, or being spanked over your settee?”
Her sex clenched at the long, tantalizing list of scintillating tasks she’d already endured for him. She couldn’t have imagined doing any of them before she’d come to his house, but now none of them seemed too outrageous to assent to again.
“All of the above.” He shrugged, feigning a nonchalance that was clearly not his style. Kyle was far too in control to be cavalier.
“Allof it?” She paused, throwing emphasis on the first word.
“That’s right.” He edged closer, crawling between her legs until he was close enough to wrap his arms around her back and pull her toward him. She slid against his skin, relishing the sense of surrender as her legs wrapped around him. “Allof it.”
“Absolutely not.” Her heart beat faster at her teasing tone. She was playing with fire, trying to negotiate with the man who had it all—who owned the huge house, the restaurant, and employed the staff—but the idea of brushing the dangerous only intensified the thrill. He still had all the power. She knew that, but it was exciting to pretend, fun to think she could barter with the boss. “For such extreme tasks, I’d be looking for far greater remuneration.”