Page 69 of His Dark Pact
“No need.” Her gaze flitted past his engorged cock to his face. “I agree, sir.”
“You’re sure?” His fingers tightened at her jaw.
“Yes.” Her hammering heart had rarely been more certain of anything.
“Then we understand each other.” His thumb rose to catch the edge of her lower lip.
She understood him, all right. He wanted to utilize her unspent desire for their mutual satisfaction, and that sounded bloody amazing to her.
“Yes, sir.” She sucked at the edge of his thumb, trailing her tongue over his shortly trimmed nail as if the digit was his strong, thick cock. Closing her eyes, she suckled the thing, enjoying the perverse sense of submission as she cleaned him.
What am I doing?
Her eyes darted open, acknowledging his impish grin. He liked it. Just as much as she apparently did. Whatever her motivation, she’d found someone who seemed to share her twisted sexual hunger. Whatever happened, they’d enjoy each other, and she’d discover more about herself as she learned to kneel.
“Lovely.” Sincerity oozed from his tone. “But it’s my turn now, little girl. Stand up and turn around.”
She moved without conscious thought, obeying as she faced the edge of the hot tub while he nudged one of her knees up onto the seat and pressed himself behind her. His shaft slid to her sex as though it already knew the way, and her mouth parted as he lunged into her heat.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard.” His shaft withdrew slowly and then slammed back into her.
She gripped the edge of the wooden rim of the hot tub. “Yes!”
There had never been sex like that before. The carnality Kyle exhibited was like something from another world, something she’d only dreamed about until he’d run into her. Until the prior night, Amy had thought frenzied sex only belonged between the pages of saucy romance books but never in real life.
“Oh God.”
She threw her head back, panting as their flesh collided, reveling in the debauchery of her submission. She’d never thought about ceding to a man until him, but serving Kyle and giving him what he wanted had created the most atomic orgasms. She could so easily become addicted to them.
“That’s right, little girl.” Fisting her hair, he yanked her head farther back until she winced. “Take it.”
He held her there, suspended between his fist and his cock, as his body banged her into agonized euphoria. Manhandled, all she could do was hold on, knowing that this was what she’d signed up for, until the ferocity of the fucking made it difficult to think properly.
His body pressed her against the tub as his climax loomed, the water bubbling near her face as he erupted inside her. His hand slipped to her throat as he detonated, cradling her there as he pinioned her against the plastic edge.
“Fuck.” He pressed a kiss to the side of her neck as he caught his breath.
She smiled at the relief in his voice. “I thought I was the one negotiating the bonuses, sir, yet you seem to have just enjoyed one.”
“Oh, you are,” he assured her. “You already did a good job of negotiating, but the revised contract still ensures your boss gets plenty of orgasms.”
My boss.
She clenched around his shaft. It was such a cliché—to have bedded her boss, yet as he withdrew, she realized it was a misnomer—she’d never even been near his bed. Glancing over her shoulder, she found him standing behind her, the fizzing water dancing around his knees. Tall, dark, and taut, he was the perfect specimen, and for the time being, at least, he seemed to be all hers.
As if he could hear her thoughts, his lips curled as she watched him.
“Time to get out.” He climbed the steps out of the tub, another waterfall of liquid tumbling behind him as he moved. “Here.”
She reached for his outstretched hand, hardly able to process the last magnificent sex session they’d shared, let alone the things she was feeling.
Grabbing a white, fluffy towel, he wrapped it around his middle and reached for a second, opening the bath sheet out to her.
“Thank you.” The cooler air hit her like a hard slap around the cheek as she shuffled toward the inviting towel and Kyle’s inviting embrace.
“Come on.” Draping the towel over her shoulders, he grasped her hand and led her in the direction of the sauna. “The air is cold out here, but I’ll warm you up inside.”
“You already did a good job of warming me up, sir.” She offered him a wry smile.