Page 19 of Dominic
“If I admit to more than just maybe, can I ask you for one favor?”
“Hmm… I suppose that depends on the favor. I might need more than an admission of where you were looking. I might want you touch where you want to look.” His smile was positively wicked.
Instead of dread threatening to pull me under, I got a hit of adrenaline at the thought of actually doing more than touching Dom’s arm or shoulder through his clothes. After everything I’d gone through, looking at a man in a sexual manner wasn’t something I ever thought I’d want to. And, yeah, the bikini contest misadventure had clued me into that painful fact earlier, but it didn’t look like I was going to listen to the rational part of my brain warning me I needed to protect myself. Besides, either I trusted Dom or I didn’t. And for all intents and purposes, I was living with the man. Besides, why would I deny myself something I was beginning to think I really, really wanted?
“You drive a hard bargain, but I think I could make that work.”
Dom grinned down at me. “You know I’ll give you any fuckin’ thing you want, girl. Name it and it’s yours.”
“When you have him, I want to be the one to kill the Divine One.”
* * *
“What?” No way I’d heard her right.
“I want to be the one to kill the Divine One. I mean, if you were really serious about killing him.”
“Oh, I was serious, honey. Just not sure I want you doin’ it.”
“Why?” Annie looked so serene she might have been talking about the weather. She was probably in shock after her panic attack. It was still eerie as fuck. Like something out of a horror movie where the sweet, child-like woman is possessed and calmly announces to everyone she’s getting ready to kill them all. And I’ll be Goddamned if my fucking cock didn’t stand up and take notice. So not the fucking time for this. Or the reaction I should have had. “I can do it. I’d have no problem and I wouldn’t lose a moment’s sleep. It might even help me conquer these stupid waking nightmares.”
“I can help you conquer them.” Slowly, I reached for the shower gel on the shelf next to us. “You don’t need to expose yourself to that kinda shit. There’s too much sunshine in you for that.” I shook my head, trying to clear the unsettling mix of arousal and concern. “You shouldn’t have to stain your hands with that kind of darkness, Annie. Let me handle it.”
“But I need to, Dom,” she insisted, her voice steadier than it should be. “It’s something I have to do. I want to make him hurt like he hurt me.” Her expression hardened into something I hadn’t seen from her before. Oh, she was pissed. It wasn’t a hot, explosive anger, something that would burn out quickly. No. There was an ice-cold rage burning in her eyes. Calm. Calculating. She wasn’t going to let this go and I didn’t think I was strong enough to stop her. I didn’t mean physically strong. If this woman wanted something, by fucking God, I was going to give it to her or burn down the world trying.
I studied her face, searching for any sign of the fear or hesitation I might have missed, but found none. Instead, all I saw was determination burning in her eyes -- a fierce, relentless, cold fire that both impressed and worried me.
“OK,” I finally said, though every protective instinct in me screamed against it. “But not alone. I’ll be with you and you will obey me to the letter. Without hesitation. This is something I absolutely will not bend on.”
A smile broke across her face, lighting up her features in a way that made my heart thump painfully against my ribs. Even though she looked happy, two tears overflowed from her eyes and tracked down her cheeks. How had this woman, so gentle and broken, become the center of my every fucking thought? Her lower lip trembled and it took everything I had not to lean in and kiss her until she was so dazed she couldn’t feel anything but contentment. And pleasure.
I could see the pulse at her throat beating madly. Her breathing was rapid too. When she parted her lips and her gaze dropped to my mouth, I nearly gave in to the temptation to kiss her.
Turns out, I didn’t have to kiss her. Annie put her hands on my shoulders gingerly, sliding them up to twine her arms around my neck. She pressed her wet, naked body against mine and pulled herself up to find my lips with hers.
Like her touch, her kiss was tentative. She brushed my lips with hers but she didn’t seem to know what to do next. I opened my mouth and gave her lips a soft lick.
Annie gasped in a breath, her hold on me tightening. Then she mimicked my movement, her little tongue darting out to lap at my lips.
I let her explore, not hurrying her or taking things any deeper than that simple kiss. It didn’t take long for her to get bolder and she met my tongue with hers, even letting it slip inside my mouth in a gentle exploration.
When she finally let herself slide back down my body, she looked equally aroused and frustrated. I smiled down at her and brushed my thumb along her bottom lip. Without thought, I pressed my thumb between her lips. She opened and I slid the digit into her mouth.
“Suck.” I gave the command in a low rumble. I could barely get the word out, and the second her lips closed around my thumb and she obeyed my order, my knees nearly buckled. It was an innocent thing that shouldn’t have felt that good. But the only thought in my mind at that particular moment was how good it would feel if she replaced my thumb with my cock. So, yeah. I might not act on it, in fact, there was no way I’d ever make that kind of move on her -- maybe not ever unless it was her idea -- but I was still going to hell.
“That’s my girl.”
She hummed happily, her eyes sliding shut like she was in some kind of trance. Occasionally, she blinked slowly. Her gaze always found mine and she looked at me with such trust it humbled me.
Finally, I removed my thumb from her mouth and picked up the shower gel again and handed it to her. “Wash me.”
She shivered, leaning closer to me. I kissed the top of her head and she pulled back. Annie squirted a good amount of the liquid soap into her palm before setting aside the bottle. She rubbed her hands together, then turned her palms over and hovered over my chest, hesitating to actually touch me.
“You’ve already kissed me, girl. Those pretty tits were mashed against my chest, so it shouldn’t be any problem for you to touch me with your hands.”
She giggled. “Well, when you put it like that.” Annie placed both palms on my chest and slowly rubbed my skin in large circles with both hands. A trail of soapy bubbles was left in her wake as the shower gel foamed as she rubbed.