Page 16 of Colors and Curves
“Wow, Sky. This place is great,” Lacey says with amazement. Will takes her backpack and places both of theirs next to the front desk. “We’re so damn proud of you. I’m sorry that we kept you waiting.” She walks around, then peeks into the back. Will checks out the photos.
“I had plenty to do, so don’t worry about it.”
“All these pictures are of people, not actual structures?” Will asks, his face close to one of them.
“Yes. Aren’t they amazing?”Dang. Gush much, Skylar?You’d think I was in love with his photos, not Julius.What? I need a delete button.
Lacey moves closer to one. “So the photographer’s surrounded by naked people all day? Or is it only women?”
“Women of all ages, shapes, and sizes.” Now that I know who Julius is, I’m a little jealous that he works with naked women all the time. I tell myself that he probably sees them as subjects, not human beings. And then there’s the question of the history between Daisy and Julius.
“I’d love that job,” Will jokes. Lacey smacks him in the belly. “Ooph!”
“You already see women prancing around in bikinis every day,” she protests.
He wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her. “Your body’s the only one I want to see dancing around the docks.” He pecks her lips, then tickles her. She squeals and pulls away from him.
“You guys are so damn cute, it’s sickening. So stop it.” I’m joking, but I’m surprised by the surge of jealousy that pumps through me. I want what they have. A guy who loves all of me, not just my body.
I was an early bloomer. It seemed like I woke up one morning when I was fourteen with big boobs and never-ending curves. And that’s all guys saw from that point on. They pretend to be in love with me, but all they want is sex. My heart has been broken one too many times, and at this point, I’ve given up on true love. My friends have all found it, but not me. I’m calling my move to New York a new start. I’m living for me this time, and no one else.
Ugh. I’m such a hypocrite. I was eyeballing Julius the other night like he was a piece of meat. I listened to everything he said to people, but the whole time, I was undressing him with my eyes. Isn’t that acting just like the guys I hate? But he’s absolutely gorgeous, and I like this flame he’s lit inside me.
It’s been a long time since I’ve felt any excitement on a sexual level. When I handed him that glass of water and our fingers touched, the most amazing heat shot through every cell of my body. Of course, it was quickly extinguished by the water. It was hard to sleep that night because I couldn’t stop fantasizing about what it’d feel like if more than our fingers touched.
It’s Sunday, and I haven’t seen or heard from him. Why would I anyway? Daisy’s my contact. I spoke to her yesterday, but it was purely business. Maybe because Monica was still there when Daisy called. She left late last night, and I’m glad. I’m exhausted from this weekend.
Lacey pokes me. “Hey—where’d you go? I’m talking and it’s like you aren’t even here.”
“Shit. I’m sorry. I guess I’m more tired than I realized. Here, let me show you my office. I still need to decorate or get a plant to add some color.” I’m babbling and I know it.
Lacey shakes her head. “Where is the Skylar I know? This office is neat and organized. My apartment—I meanyourapartment—looked like something exploded and you left everything where it landed the last time I was there.”
“I know! Aren’t you proud of me? I’m trying. I need to keep my ducks in a row here. Maybe it will spread to the apartment.”
We sit in the office for a while, drinking coffee, chatting about the opening, and how Julius showed up unexpectedly. I give them a rundown on the type of person he is.
“Oh, let me show you the first article and review that was published yesterday. I was so nervous about what they’d say.” I pull up the website, then turn my laptop to face them.
Lacey points to Julius in the picture. “So that’s the photographer?Jeez. He needs to learn how to smile or to relax. His face is so rigid, he looks like he’s got a stick up his ass.”
“Hey, be nice. He’s not used to having his picture taken. You should see him in person.”Why am I defending him?“I think he underestimated what he’d be dealing with. Anyway, it doesn’t matter because the article and review are glowing. Monica’s on cloud nine. His agent, Daisy, was thrilled and relieved. She would’ve had to deal with his wrath if something had gone wrong.”
“And you’re on cloud nine too. For more reasons than one,” Lacey points out. She has a glint in her eye like she knows something I don’t.
A big smile grows on my face. “I really am. I worked my ass off for this opening, and it was more successful than I could’ve imagined. Monica praised me the entire time, and that pushed my confidence to a whole new level.”
I change the subject so they don’t get bored of me babbling about this anymore. Lacey tells me that Sophia’s sister and parents are coming from Germany in August. It’s the first time the families will meet. Jocelyn and Christian have offered to have a big barbecue when they arrive.
“I’d better be invited. I need some family time. They didn’t mention it on Friday night.”
“Of course you are. Jocelyn just told me this morning. And why would they have mentioned it on Friday? That was your night.”
I shrug. “So how is Josh doing? I hope he’s treating the ladies well. If he’s not, I’m going to have to make a special trip to the marina to kick his ass.” I miss him. He’s such a goof, but a major player.
Will looks at his vibrating phone and huffs. “Speaking of Josh, I need to call him.”
I stand up. “You can have my office. Lacey and I can chat in the front. Take your time and don’t forget to finish your cappuccino. Tell him I said hi.”